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To: Drew68


“And ensuring that they were replaced in Washington DC by Democrats.”

and you believe this because Donald Trump will return to the Whitehouse instead of Ron desantis?

90 posted on 11/26/2023 11:30:36 AM PST by patriot torch (..)
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To: patriot torch
and you believe this because Donald Trump will return to the Whitehouse instead of Ron desantis?

I believe the chances of Trump returning to the White House are virtually nil.

But in the highly unlikely even he does return to the White House, here's what's going to happen. And feel free to mark this post.

Trump is gonna go full libtard. Yep! You heard it here first.

A lame duck from Day One, he won't need his MAGA base anymore. They're of no further use to him. Under the bus they'll go. Jared and Ivanka will move back into the West Wing to ensure his administration is ridden of those embarrassing MAGA types just like they did the first time. After all, they'd like to once again be welcomed back into the Manhattan social scene that they were ostracized from. Ivanka has no use for Walmart-shopping Magadonians. She's not one of them.

So now Trump starts working with Democrats. Why? Because even though he's a lame duck, he still has the business empires that he'd like to pass down to his children someday. So he cuts deals to sign favorable legislation in exchange for the throttling back of the lawfare that's been draining his pockets.

You don't think Trump will sign an assault weapon ban? I think he'll do it in a heartbeat if the quid pro quo is right.

There will be no retribution. No scorched-earth vengeance. There will be Trump shifting to the left to save his own hide. It'll be Christmas for Democrats.

96 posted on 11/26/2023 11:42:10 AM PST by Drew68 (Ron DeSantis for President. A conservative who fights and wins..)
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