Debate like a man and stop tattling. Stop being a cuck.
See if you come to any conclusion except that he is an antisemite.
Define "antisemite." I want the U.S. to take care of its citizens. That doesn't mean malice or contempt for any other country or race, it just means that the U.S. should take care of its own problems first and foremost.
By that I mean not someone who criticized George Soros, but a Jew hater who cheers on Hamas, and wants to see see the Jews dead.
Where the Hell did I cheer for Hamas or want Israelis dead?
I want the U.S. to take care of its own problems.
This is not too hard to comprehend.
My non-support of Our Greatest Ally EVAH! doesn't mean I want them destroyed. I want to take care of our own first. That's all.
One of America’s problems are dimwit kkks playing white Christian nationalists.
Christians don’t hate jews, blacks, hispanics etc....
‘nuff said?