It all comes down to cheap slave labor and money.
Money wins every time.
Pretty much the bottom line and the truth. History
gives a good indication of LABOR - MONEY aspect. Take
a few moments and look back to the time Columbus sailed
the ocean blue in 1492 and where we are today. How did
this all occur and who had the responsibility over the
years. MONEY and CHEAP LABOR....
Now with mechanization human labor isn’t driving force.
Now with mechanization human labor isn’t driving force.
Should be:
Now with mechanization/computerization human labor
isn’t the driving force anymore.
“Now with mechanization human labor isn’t driving force.”
Take a look at any labor intensive jobs and almost ALL are done by foreigners. Will robots take over the plumbing business? No. Will robots take over the home building business? No. Slaughter houses? Lawn/landscape maintenance? etc., etc. Cheap slave labor rules the day now and for the foreseeable future.