—”There is not enough infrastructure to power a nation of EVs in any nation. “
And we didn’t have sufficient power generation when air conditioning came along in the 60’s.
Yet, it worked out.
Today and for a few years we have more than sufficient capacity, but not daytime in some areas.
The current peak capacity is twice the mean daytime load and the evening load is half daytime.
Yes, some big bumps in the road for the East and West coasts.
With networked EV charging systems, the load and your charge rate can be moderated and adjusted for time of use.
The biggest problem was just in the news.
Clearly displayed with a short road trip, like the famous one-car funeral.
“I’m from the government, and here to help”
Please invest as you will in "green" companies. Please buy / lease EVs. We chose and remain with real estate, and drive HVs. Each to his own.