So, the same FBI that pays ZERO attention to any laws on any books is going to be the entity that has oversight on what these cops were/are doing?
That’s not giving the cops a free pass. But I’m not letting folks who have ABSOLUTELY ZERO OVERSIGHT on their deeds and actions, have oversight on anyone else.
If it’s proven that a cop runs criminal history, license check or runs a license plate for any reason other than it having to do with an investigation or running a tag to check for a stolen vehicle, they can be arrested and sent to prison. And who controls the databases that have all that information? The FBI.
Do you ever wonder why the ATF doesn’t do the background check for a gun buyer, when its the agency responsible for firearms and enforcing gun laws? Because the FBI controls the database.
If an FBI agent looks up the whereabouts of an old girlfriend or where her new boyfriend lives, all good. Don’t worry about it. They didn’t mean to do it. We yelled at them and told them not to do it again.
If we had any kind of a Constitution enforcing Federal Government and FBI...
That is NOT a recommendation that the present FBI be allowed to investigate anyone, or do anything.