Here is a link to my BFF’s website, The Birther Think Tank. She wrote some pretty good articles on the two-citizen parent birther silliness and insanity:
This particular link lays it all out in Plain English. No one has any excuse to remain in ignorance about the topic:
(And, to respond to you, the 14th Amendment simply placed long-existing common law on natural-born citizenship into the constitution. Common law, or judge-made law, became Constitutional law, which is above statutory law even. So, a citizen under operation of the 14th Amendment is exactly the same as a natural-born citizen under common law. There is no difference, and when Birthers tried to make the silly argument that there was, the Ankeny courts and other courts simply sent them packing!)
This, from the Birther Bible, Chapter 2 of The Book of Vattel, may be of interest:
Chapter 2
1. Then there arose in the land those who denied the words of Vattel, and mocked the true believers and tempted them from the paths of patriotism with clever arguments.
2. These were known as the Anti-Vattelites.
3. They falsely testified that the common law of the English was the source of natural born citizenship, and yea, had been so for centuries before the coming of Vattel.
4. They told tales of Calvin’s Case, and how mere birth within the kingdom made one a natural born citizen.
5. Many were the American legal cases whereof they spake, and none which required two citizen parents to begat a natural-born citizen, when the birth occurred within the Kingdom.
6. But the fast tongues of the Anti-Vattelites did not stop there.
7. No, for the blasphemous tongues of the Anti-Vattelites fashioned the very words of the Prophet himself into a snare for the unwary, saying unto them, “But did not Vattel himself say in paragraph 214 of Book 1, that “there are states, as, for instance, England, where the single circumstance of being born in the country naturalizes the children of a foreigner.”
8. Their slick words caused many to doubt, for of a truth those words do seemeth to indicate to the unlearned that the Prophet Vattel taught England was a nation unto itself, wherein mere birth inside the kingdom was sufficient for citizenship.
9. Yet, the wise Birther, who hath studied the matter thoroughly, doth understand that there were two Englands, and the Prophet was speaking of the other one, not the one from which sprangeth the United States.