They’ll try to drag Justice Thomas’ wife into this, and Mark Meadows. They don’t need to be able to win the case, they hope they just need to keep it going through the nomination. But if need be they will try to keep it going through the election.
2020 was a communist coup. And no communist government, once in power, has ever voluntarily given up power by losing an election. The closest they ever came was Nicaragua, but in Nicaragua they l9st The election but we’re granted control over the military so the “loss” wasn’t The end of them at all, just a loss in name only. And now The Sandinistas are back, openly- Ortega is still in power. Biden and Kerry were on the USSR and the Sandinista’s side back then. Leopards don’t change their spots with age.
The only way a communist government has ever been removed is by force.
If there is no way to seize power back from communist regimes, once they are in place, then why were we running candidates in 2022 in the midterms, and why is Trump even running for President for 2024? What’s the point? I don’t get it. What a waste of time and money? (Right?)
Q: Case in point:
The SOVIET UNION fell. A communist nation.
And yet, many democratic nations were born out of it falling peacefully, such as free/democratic Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Moldova, etc etc.
They’ll try to drag Justice Thomas’ wife into this, and Mark Meadows.Guess which SCOTUS member oversees appeals from the state of Florida?