That was quick! CNN is now the Bud Light of cable news networks. CNN used to rule cable news. There used to be two CNNs. One was CNN headline news (iirc) and then regular CNN.
CNN used to be on in all the airports by contracts.
The Murdoch family will sell Fox New after the 2024 election. Old man Murdoch will be gone soon, and all his children want to be able to cash out for the multi-billion dollar inheritances. All in tax free trusts by now, probably.
The Murdoch family already sold all they could of FOX to ABC/Disney in 2019 for $71.3B.
ABC already had ABC News and didn't want FOX News while Disney already owned ESPN and didn't want FOX Sports, not that ABC/Disney could buy them anyway due to antitrust regulations.
FOX News in particular is an orphan that no one wants. The Propaganda Media already have their own failing broadcasts and television, both cable and over-the-air, is a dinosaur.