I’ll say it again: why even go through the charade of setting a “debt ceiling” that can always be raised, when the problem is profligate spending? Why do voters consistently vote for politicians that just plain suck?
“Why do voters consistently vote for politicians that just plain suck?”
Because they figured out that they can (indirectly) vote themselves money from the public treasury. However, they either failed to understand basic economics, or never had it in the first place (thanks, pubic skrewl system), and thus didn’t understand that if everyone else does the same, you end up with out-of-control spending and debt, and the inflation that inevitably results. This country has the government that it - on the whole - deserves. Not all of us do, but we economically-literate voters are in the minority, a situation that has beefed the case since sometime in the 1970s, at least.
Spoiled little children never end up happy, even if they get what they want for years. The spoiled children making up most of the public is just beginning to find that out.