Seem people forget the 4 year leading up to covid... Like the fake Russian collusion investigation the two impeachment and all the other bullshit / slander on Trump
It’s not like Trump had completely latitude to maneuver on any of these career deep state bureaucrats
If he had removed or ignored Fauci they just go to started another impeachment....and it not like he had over evidence at the start of who Fauci would turn out to be... hell Fauci was at first was saying mask were usless
Conversely when Trump’s said we could open by Memorial Day... The left when ballistic claiming Trump was trying to murder Grandma
Covid was part in the deep state game plan to rig the election
They weren’t gonna let Trump do anything they didn’t want..if he did they would just start another impeachment
so the question must be asked of all republican candidates, how are they going to handle all those attacks? because it does not matter who wins the democrats will continue the same crap. I’d just ignore the complaining, and keep the firings going, scorched earth, stay so far ahead of them their heads are spinning. why not a ton of day 1 EOs.. Biden did it. So can a republican.
We should also be asking house and senate candidates if they will fight the democrats as hard as they have been fighting republicans for years.
the GOP/Republican party is seen as weak, because they are. One strong man at the top won’t fix it (trump’s 1st term proves that) we need to replace a ton of republicans.