Where I live in Frisco, a lot of folks from India live here.
Veddy nice
I believe the goal of the current immigration policies as well as the fact that the current govt is not securing our borders
(a nation without borders is not a nation - it’s just a place)
is to massively change the demographics of our country.
80% voted to reelect Obama in 2012.
78% voted to elect Hillary Clinton in 2016.
I have searched for 2020 numbers, but they are all behind pay walls.
Pew Research usually publishes a free comprehensive survey of immigrant voting, but I have not seen that if it is out.
I live in a heavily Asian Congressional District.
A couple mid-term elections ago, a Socialist Party candidate beat the Republican candidate in our "Top Two" primary!
Our incumbent Democrat Representative is the absurdly named "Adam Smith."
That India influx will do to Texas what it’s done to California politics.
Same here in Valley Ranch, Indians account for 60% of K-12 students.
You're right...pretty much everyone that looked at his house.
Veddy gude!