As the business operations of politics and consultants start their income cycle, several polls have been released in the past several days attempting to capture the attention of an increasingly angst riddled population.

Household economics, job losses, wage pressure, destabilized checkbook finance issues and ongoing inflation continue at the forefront of concerns for the majority of voters. In an effort to distract from the core issue(s) of policy, both the Republican and Democrat corporations are trying to divert attention to more favorable social issues.  However, after multiple election cycles, a larger portion of the general population has caught on to the game.

The distracting political constructs are not working as well for the RNC and DNC as they used to, but they keep trying.

The CBS/YouGOV poll is one of the larger overall polls that tracks large voter samples over time [DATA HERE]. 

“Trump looks like a former president who left office popular with his party, and little that’s happened in the ensuing years has changed that. In fact, concerning his recent legal challenges, a majority say one rationale for backing him is showing support during those fights.”