Beat me by a minute. I bought a set of ten stamps about a year ago, I think I still have five. FWIW, I've used a few money orders in the past ten years or so, but the last time I wrote a check, BHO was the Prez, so there's little reason to mail most anything anymore.
With auto-deposit, auto-bankdraft, auto-billing, direct pay, online payment services, charge cards...the USPS has been left behind. Even our yard guy prefers Venmo. I got his bill yesterday via email while sitting in the sunroom, printed off the invoice wirelessly to the office printer (in draft mode to save ink), pulled up the Venmo app on my phone, paid the bill, got an email from Venmo acknowledging the payment and an auto-thank you note from him. I never got out of the LazyBoy. I’ll grab the printout later and make a “paid” note on it.
The key to all of that stuff, for my peace of mind, is to keep up with it ledger-wise. While my deposits and payments fly around on the Interwebz, I still balance the checkbook the old fashioned way, plus reconcile the numbers in an Excel chart.
There are several places in there the USPS could’ve sold some postage. It seems the majority of their product now days is junk mail.
inflation is insane car insurance...we've had to use my MIL's 2005 Subara legacy lately and State Farm wants $380 every 6 months which seems ridiculous for such an older small car....