Society is creating nut cases and then using these nut cases to further their gun control agenda.
Anything and everything to destroy America. Trans, black convinced to hate whites, criminal set free with no bond. whites made to hate blacks. millions of feral children produced through welfare, open borders for drugs, criminals. At the same time give billions away to foreign countries, while forced jabbing of poisons.
Anyone see a pattern here?
***Society is creating nut cases and then using these nut cases to further their gun control agenda.***
ABSOLUTELY! I remember 1989 when California proposed a bad AW ban bill. So much opposition was raised against it the bill was shelved.
I felt something bad was going to happen in California. I was right!
The state released Pat Purdy from a mental institution for the 7th time, allowed him to buy guns in violation of state and Federal laws, passing the waiting period.
He then went and shot up the Stockton School yard killing several students and himself.
The shelved bill was pulled out and passed so fast before opposition could be mounted against it.