Yeah. I bet you look in the mirror and say I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me! Don’t you, Stuart Smalley?
Because everyone knows that dropping your supposed pay, job title, education, employer and other tidbits about your background on the internet to a complete stranger while constantly attempting to belittle the person is probably one of the obvious traits of someone secure in themself. I’m surprised you didn’t share how big the tires are on your oversized truck. But perhaps you have limits too.
Meanwhile, the only thing you know about me is that I properly understand the cause of the crash of Lehman. And I gave you -free of charge- the material to help you learn so you don’t have to pretend any more.
So yeah. I am the highly insecure person that must brag about my fictional background in this exchange due to my raging insecurity. Now I need to run back to my dark room and wait for my mother to call me to dinner.
Turn out the light when you finish and have a good day.
LOL You don’t know squat about Lehman and I had already read that article, among with many, many, many others on the financial crisis. I still remember where I was when Bear Sterns collapsed, in fact. The reason I gave you my background was to let you know I am a financial expert, and I’ve probably spent no less than 1,000 hours researching the financial crises and tens of thousands of general finance experience and not just some random dude on the internet but you do you!
PS You do realize a repo is just a fancy name for short term debt, right?