Sarah Isgur, who was involved with Mittens 2012 presidential campaign and was Carly Fiorino’s 2016 campaign manager and was the keynote speaker for the Roanoke Conference in my hometown last month, makes a point I had not considered, subscription based revenue. Conservatives should own this market.
I wonder if this is paid subscription or just subscription volume? If it’s the latter and not the former it’s an easy fix.
I think the point she was making is that ad revenue is geared toward bias.
Foxnews=conservative point of view
CNN=liberal point of view
MSNBC=WAG Conspiracy kook point of view
CBS, ABC, NBC=too busy/lazy to research government drivel point of view
The ads cater to those markets.
Like watching the Western Channel on cable. The ads are about old people medicines because that is who is watching.