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To: All; bray

“The Sunday Morning Bray”, by Bray!

Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:31-32 (King James Version)

It looks like President Braindead has been driving around town with classified documents in his trunk after lecturing Trump and ordering a raid on his home for far less of an offense. The larger offense is the whiplash the Gaslight Media is having as they are outraged by one while excusing the other. This is to be expected since they are hired to promote the Democrat Party, but it has really become an absolute hatred for Capitalism and Trump voters who want freedom.

If Slow Joe had any conscious at all he would resign over the obvious corruption this mishandling of secret documents represents as well as the politics he played to destroy Trump with his Stasi goons who raided Mar a Lago as well as the connections to the Chinese Party. This was another media lynching. It very well appears the Bidens were selling these documents to the Chinese at various places while taking secrets to them.

While President Trump not only did, but he also have personal documents which appears to be nothing of consequences in a secure room which was approved by the authorities he has the power as President to declassify whatever he wants. In no circumstance were there any documents being sold to our enemies while the so-called friends were trying to accuse him of that to influence another election. It was made up crimes to damage Trump and his candidates to stop the Red Wave.

These agencies and the Barak regime have been running these coups for fifteen years and has not had to pay any price for it since they know they never will. The FBI has been manipulating elections through spying and promoting these Cha-Raids to orchestrate the news to get their candidates elected and keep the ones who are a threat to their power outside their Inner Circle. Moscow on the Potomac is the most corrupt gummit the world has ever seen. There is nothing real about what ABDNC has reported in the last decade.

Just like the Covid was going to kill forty million Americans and the mRNA shot was 95% effective at keeping you from getting or spreading Cold-19, every Trump scandal is theatre of the slave masters. The Trump raid was a scam on the American people using obscure DC laws to harass Trump and his voters like every other scandal including the J-6 entrapment.

If the power brokers were serious about the classified documents, then they would be more outraged by the Biden files than Trump’s. Biden obviously has been taking files home for decades and had absolutely no system to keep them secure. It looks like they were piled in the corner under some oily rags or in places like his Chinese Laundry at Penn where he all but advertised for US secrets. It is obviously another cash cow selling these secrets to the Chinese by one of there biggest friends in Congress. Even the Clintons were not this brash, yet he is no threat to the swamp so he gets a pass.

This is shocking no matter how cynical you are as you get another look inside the District of Corruption and how all the parts work together. This reveal shows how dangerous Trump is to this system since they need a Biden cardboard cutout in the Whitehouse to make the systems work. Everyone has their briefing when they walk in how they will make millions once they leave as well as threats of what they will do if you do not play along with the corruption. All of them did and most were willing participants like Clinton/Barak/Bush, but you can see beyond a doubt Trump would not play ball.

The Gaslight Media is just another system to validify the agencies which are more corrupt than the politicians who all are paid for. It is all exposed who they are and what their jobs are to make the street theater work. Every one of them are bought and paid for by the Bigs like Big Pharma or Big Military or the Drug Cartels and Chinese manufacturers. They all work together playing like it is individual actions when in reality they all play their parts in the yuge money laundries.

This allows the Biden family laundry to take files containing secrets other nations want and he sells them to the highest bidder. He has likely sold thousands of these files making millions off the backs of Americans without any regard for being caught. This is the fringe benefit he and everyone else inside the Beltway of Bribes enjoy since it is one big happy family. If anybody from outside the family crashes the party, they will get the Trump treatment which tells you who is and how is not part of the family and why they spent six years organizing a giant coup to get rid of the outsider who could not be bribed.

In an honest gummit, Dumb Joe would have resigned when the files were found in the Chinese Laundry. The problem is this is not an honest system so they go after Trump since he is their real threat and ignore Biden since he is not. America has to get used to the systems are geared for corrupt politicians, agencies, academia, and media to help the American worker’s enemies such as China and South America so they can destroy America. These are who greases their palms and now have rigged the elections so there is likely no changes in the future other than getting much worse for anyone who values freedom.

Enjoy the view as PravdABC explains why the Trump documents were a much larger threat to America than Biden’s U Penn Chinese Laundry.

Pray America Wakes

Note: The above opinion is not necessarily my own, but FReeper Bray’s. If you wish to discuss this, please ping Bray.

5 posted on 01/15/2023 4:52:52 AM PST by Alas Babylon! (Gov't declaring misinformation is tyranny: “Who determines what false information is?” )
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To: Alas Babylon!
Your essay this morning is brilliant as usual and I never even thought of biden selling the classifieds to the chicoms.If that's not enough to impeach his sorry ass i don't know what is.Great job.

Just like the Covid was going to kill forty million Americans and the mRNA shot was 95% effective at keeping you from getting or spreading Cold-19, every Trump scandal is theater of the slave masters. The Trump raid was a scam on the American people using obscure DC laws to harass Trump and his voters like every other scandal including the J-6 entrapment.

Here's one I just got through posting over on the Q thread It shows the origins of the covid con along with who did what when and even why,its brilliant and this is just a clip of a much longer piece caught by bitt.;page=1351

Others on the Q threads are instrumental in bringing to light what is really going on with the bio-weapons and their origins but this one creates a time line along with endless documentation what we all have needed.

Thanks to bitt once again for discovering this one.

Your link(bitt) and the accompanying links may be some of the most important exposes of the entire controversy of the covid con. Everything is explained here! This is the mother- load of how to provide convincing evidence to anyone with half a mind that we have been conned in the biggest way ever.

Below is just a “small clip” of a link within your link,this is the motherload of the covid con and could be discussed for days if not months.



January 15, 2023 Sourced Analysis & Opinion on the Geopolitical Landscape


Enterprise Fraud Construct Timeline:

Major Dates, Events, Entities & Legislation

BY POLITICAL MOONSHINE ON SEPTEMBER 29, 2021 This timeline is extracted from a larger one, contains most of the relevant major dates, events, entities and legislation for the COVID-19 enterprise fraud construct, and contains links to the sourced and cited work in evidence.

The search function can help to sift those articles. It is sourced with original work that includes links to cited sources. It is a COVID linear chronology with the purpose of demonstrating evidenced events and patterns of events. It will continue to be updated over time.

Impeachment Lens:

There is a foundational Moonshine position that no one else identified or references accurately. It should shape your interpretation of the sequence of what follows. It's that impeachment was a false flag construct with a paralleling objective to serve as a deflection point away from the ushering-in of the COVID-19 construct.

In other words, impeachment served to veil COVID-19 by distraction until the “pandemic” could take hold. Or, in other words, look here not there.

Timeline & Updates First edition:

29 Sep 21 Second edition:

07 Nov 21 Last update:

24 May 22 RICO,


From Cornell Law, Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO):

A federal law providing for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization. Cornell Law From the U.S.

Office of Justice Programs, RICO is Title IX of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, although it has broad application beyond the context of organized crime, because Congress mandated that RICO “be liberally construed to effectuate its remedial purposes.”

The U.S. Supreme Court has held that RICO may be applied to legitimate businesses and to enterprises without a profit motive. To prosecute a defendant under RICO, the government must prove that the defendant, through the commission of two or more acts that constitute a pattern of racketeering activity, directly or indirectly invested in, maintained an interest in, or participated in an enterprise, the activities of which affected interstate or foreign commerce.

Courts have found that public entities and governmental agencies, as well as private entities, can constitute RICO enterprises.

Also, a combination of different entities can constitute an enterprise within the meaning of RICO. In discussing defenses to RICO, the article assesses the results when one or more underlying predicate acts that supports a RICO offense is invalidated, the statute of limitations for criminal and civil RICO violations, a defendant's withdrawal from a conspiracy as a defense, preemption challenges to RICO, challenges based on the “primary jurisdiction” or “horizontal preemption” defense, and defense approaches that use a “reverse vertical preemption” theory.

Constitutional challenges to RICO are also considered. Following a review of the criminal and civil penalties under RICO, an overview of recent developments in the RICO statute focuses on protests, tobacco litigation, health care fraud, divorce, and police misconduct.

U.S. Office of Justice Programs RACKETEERING:

From Cornell Law, Set of illegal activities aimed at commercial profit that may be disguised as legitimate business deals. Common examples include fraud, extortion, bribery, and actual or threatened violence.

Cornell Law:


From the U.S. Office of Justice Programs, Section 1001 of Title 18 of the U.S. Code is a broad and frequently used statute that criminalizes making false statements to an agency of the U.S. Government. Title 18 also contains several more specific false statement statutes that focus on specific contexts in which false statements are made, such as to influence loan and credit applications. Prosecutors prefer using Section 1001, because they can enforce it either alone or in association with more specific statutes. […] Congress enacted the first False Claims Act in 1863 to combat rampant fraud and corruption in the sale of supplies and provisions to the Union Army during the Civil War, and over the years it has been used periodically to protect Federal funds and property from fraudulent claims.

Since 1986, when a series of amendments were made to target fraud in the defense industry, the False Claims Act has been used in virtually every area in which Federal money is spent. Under Section 287 it is illegal to present a false, fictitious, or fraudulent claim to the Federal Government.

U.S. Office of Justice Programs:


According to U.S. RICO statute and the legal definitions therein an, “Enterprise” includes any individual, partnership, corporation, association, or other legal entity, and any union or group of individuals associated in fact although not a legal entity.


A generic term describing a criminal enterprise engaged in committing fraud that is prosecutable under RICO statue. IT'S IMPERATIVE TO LEARN WHAT WAS DONE TO US WITH COIVD-19 BECAUSE Below is just a partial list of the timeline used to expose the covid con and how and who perpetrated it:


Timeline of Major Dates, Events, Entities & Legislation 23 November 1988 Stafford Act signed into law Stafford Act compels president to defer to “experts” if emergency exceeds scope of presidential competence Transfers authority to criminal enterprise.

SOURCE May 2002 Bush:

Appoints Algerian-born director of NIH Dr. Elias Zerhouni is appointed director of NIH & establishes the architecture of the medical infrastructure needed to deliver the construct [“pandemic”]

SOURCE 2003 Bush:

New BSAT [Biological Select Agents and Toxins] program Following the Anthrax scare in the aftermath of 9/11, Bush launched the BSAT program to control dual use pathogens [conventional & bio-WMD] like SARS

SOURCE 2005:

SARS established as the preferred bio-WMD Patent filings indicate SARS is the preferred bio-WMD by researchers, scientists & corporations

SOURCE 2006:

Congress Responds to Zerhouni Congress authorized and funded [NIH Common Fund, NIH Reform Act of 2006] “cross-cutting programs” that extend to the list of the 37 hospitals [not yet identified] that provide bulk COVID data.

SOURCE May 2006 Bush:

DHS Council/National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza Bush establishes blueprint for influenza pandemic


December 2008 US biosecurity rules re-write begins World at Risk – the report of the Congressional Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism (WMD Commission) – recommended a comprehensive review of U.S. biosecurity.

SOURCE 09 January 2009 Bush:

Executive Order 13486 Transition period EO that will permit Obama to revamp US biosecurity.

SOURCE SOURCE 23 October 2009 Obama:

US biosecurity rules rewrite Per EO 13486 & on 23 Oct 09, the Working Group on Strengthening the Biosecurity of the U.S., which was the handpicked cohort charged with determining the revamped U.S. biosecurity system, released its report.

SOURCE 23 March 2010

ACA/Obamacare becomes law ACA becomes law extending on Zerhouni’s foundation to deliver the architecture of the medical infrastructure needed to deliver the pandemic (yet another reason for obamacare to facilitate the pandemics legally).

SOURCE SOURCE SOURCE 02 July 2010 Obama:

Executive Order 13546 Created the lane for recommendations from the Federal Experts Security Advisory Panel [FESAP] regarding dual-use BSAT pathogens. Provided recommendations related to the security of biological select agents and toxins (BSAT) to the Secretaries of Health and Human Services and Agriculture and the Attorney General.

(Legalizes use of deadly pathogens)

SOURCE SOURCE 13 July 2011

SARS removed from BSAT list FESAP responds to EO 13546 to remove SARS from the list of dual-use BSAT pathogens [permitting SARS to be worked on (GOF) covertly]

SOURCE October 2013:

$1.5 billion Biden deal with BHR Partners Vice President Joe Biden flew Hunter Biden to China where he secured a $1.5b private equity deal with BHR Partners; earnings set to begin in 2017 once out of office.

SOURCE 27 May 2014:

HHS, NIH, NIAID, Collins, Fauci fund Peter Daszak/EcoHealth Alliance for GOF work with bat coronaviruses “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence” CONFIRMATION OF ESTABLISHED POSITIONS ON FUNDING & GOF DHHS, NIH, NIAID ADMIT FUNDING GOF OCTOBER 2021 Issue date: 27 May 14 Budget period: 01 Jun 14 to 31 May 15 Project period: 01 Jun 14 to 31 May 19 *Noting the 27 Dec 19 SARS-CoV-2 initial outbreak in China.


Pushes back against internal whistle blowers on GOF Obama White House issues a statement to push back on gain of function assertions.


Exception to fund gain of function work, $3.7 million Obama makes exception to US policy to fund [Fauci/NIH] GOF work in China/WIV [EcoHealth Alliance, Peter Daszak].



Just a partial timeline. Please view the rest. It's how it all happened and started long before any of us realized.


1,378 posted on 1/15/2023, 7:40:01 AM by rodguy911 (HOME OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE!! ITS ALL A CONSPIRACY:

12 posted on 01/15/2023 5:30:04 AM PST by rodguy911 (HOME OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE!! ITS ALL A CONSPIRACY: UNTIL ITS NOT)
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To: Alas Babylon!

..If the power brokers were serious about the classified documents, then they would be more outraged by the Biden files than Trump’s...

I am waiting for another piece that should be in the narrative.
Brandon took the files and made copies, which he took home.
Or, Brandon took the files and never returned the files.

All the while nobody missed these files? Somebodies put a lot of time and effort creating the work product. Then, nobody ever circled back to reference the docs, and discovered they were moved and or missing? Nobody checked the record that Brandon “borrowed” the docs and never returned them?

What kind of fast and loose systems do we have to protect these State Secrets?

16 posted on 01/15/2023 5:41:03 AM PST by Steven Tyler
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To: bray

Everyone has their briefing when they walk in how they will make millions once they leave as well as threats of what they will do if you do not play along with the corruption. All of them did and most were willing participants like Clinton/Barak/Bush, but you can see beyond a doubt Trump would not play ball.


Bingo play for pay personified for the rep and family

Joey / Hunter threats to destroy the gravy train

18 posted on 01/15/2023 5:49:23 AM PST by patriotspride (Third generation Vet. Never forget the true cost of freedom)
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To: Alas Babylon!; bray
In an honest gummit, Dumb Joe would have resigned when the files were found in the Chinese Laundry.

Something just doesn't add up. We have Team Biden's lawyers divulging and controlling the information to the public. Why should we trust them? They could have destroyed the documents? Do we know if they have provided the DOJ/National Archives with all the documents they have allegedly found? It reminds me of Hillary's lawyers erasing 33,000 emails prior to turning over the info to the FBI. Hillary and her lawyers decided what was and was not relevant.

Are we being played? Is this a manufactured crisis covering up something else far more damaging? What will the DOJ attorney in Delaware do with the information on Hunter’s laptop that implicates Joe? What have the FBI whistleblowers told the House Republicans?

What prompted Team Biden’s attorneys to scour his files in the first place? Part of a cover-up of a larger scandal? The Dems don’t have to force Biden out using the ruse of mishandling classified information. They could meet with him privately and “suggest” he step down for health reasons.

Unlike Reps, Dems don’t usually eat their own. They circle the wagons around the person being attacked. Al Franken and Cuomo are the only exceptions I can remember.

Kash Patel says that Special Counsel Hur is dirty. He was Rosenstein’s deputy and tried to bock the release of the Nunes memo on the Russia hoax. Is Hur another Mueller, i.e., part of the coverup? Time will tell.

Biden is not going to step down over this and the DOJ won't prosecute him as a sitting President. Is this "crisis" an effort to create the impression of an impartial DOJ so they can indict Trump over obstruction and lying?

38 posted on 01/15/2023 6:45:23 AM PST by kabar
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To: bray
a raid on his home for far less of an offense.

The only "offense" was the raid itself.

41 posted on 01/15/2023 6:49:24 AM PST by ROCKLOBSTER (Celebrate "Republicans Freed the Slaves Month")
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