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To: All; bray

“The Sunday Morning Bray”, by Bray!

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 (King James Version)

In spite of the Corporate Mediots, the coup is slowly being revealed thanks to Elon Musk and others. It was actually two rigged elections with the Federal Bureau of Insurrection being the orchestrators of mass indoctrination using the latest media allies Facebook, Twitter, and phone apps. It is being revealed how the Clinton fake Russian dossier was fabricated by Russian and MI6 agents and was disseminated by the Dept of Justice through the heads of the FBI, CIA, and other alphabets throughout DC thanks to Jeff Sessions and Bill Barr.

Everyone overlooked Trump and the Establishment had chosen Hillary to defeat Jeb to continue the corruption train in Moscow on the Potomac. Jeb was the designated loser to keep Repubs in line pretending they were the Party of patriotism until Trump arrived leading the Tea Party parade and patriotism became a crime once again. He was immediately vilified for his harsh rhetoric such as Lying Ted Cruz or Sleepy Jeb, humor always has to have an acorn of truth and The Don is a master of comedy being taught by the best. He went on to win the primary but the Establishmedia saw no danger in such a crass loudmouth being a threat to their Goddess. They were with Her.

Once the unthinkable happened and a billionaire outsider was made President panic overtook FBI Director Comey doubled down after lying about the Hillary phone records and issued an all-points bulletin to impeach Trump and was of course assisted by the rest of the District of Corruption. There were thousands of Dachas, Teslas, and mistresses at stake if they failed. To imagine anyone more corrupt than Mueller investigating Trump is like the wolves voting on what’s for dinner.

They then leaked or planted scandals throughout the media and web to keep him on defense protecting their pork palaces. Trump would hang up with a world leader and the phone call was released nearly word for word to the press. It is hard to keep a secret when everyone up to your VP is leaking to their friends in hopes of damaging Trump.

The worldwide Communist cabal then doubled down and ran the largest mass indoctrination coup in the last forty years. Using fear, they motivated people to throw away their basic freedoms as well as their neighbors by telling them they would surely die if they did not go under Martial Law and take an unproven mRNA shot which the gummit ordered people to lose their jobs if they refused. For millions of Americans, they were forced by the State and Federal gummits between getting a dangerous shot or losing their livelihoods.

The same people who burn down cities over a person’s right to an abortion or healthcare being a right claim you do not have a right to what medical procedures are being used in your body. You no longer have a Right to your body by the people claim a woman’s Right to choose.

Some would claim this is hypocrisy and it is, however, hypocrisy is a personal moral which is outweighed by social morality. America now lives by Social Morals rather than personal morals. To be a good American now you do what is best for society rather what is moral personally. You live your life as a socially moral person which has you buy Tesla’s to save the planet or wear a mask or get the shot to protect your neighbors and society when in reality all three are purely symbolic which is why liberalism is so simple, emotion and symbolism is more important than the Bible’s Ten Commandments or living a personally moral lifestyle. You can lie, cheat, steal, leave your family, but if you wear a mask in your car by yourself, you are a good person.

This is why hypocrisy is not an issue for liberals since it is a personal morality which is not as important as a Social morality. This is also why they are able to run a Resistance to Trump for four years but if you mention Biden stole the election you are an election denier in the same breath. Which brings it back to the coup which was facilitated by the shutdowns to damage Trump’s economy and relax election security which the Democrats took full advantage of and stole the election using the systems they use in CA, Chicago, Philly, and every other DNC hole.

The final piece of the coup was the Jan 6, committee. The texts show there was a massive hiding of the laptop and anything defending Trump against the most outrageous charges and we now know the two bombs found in front of the Dem and Repub HQs in DC were planted by the FBI to also damage Trump and his supporters. It is also pretty obvious Rey Epps was likely an FBI off budget organizer to get people to storm the Capitol and set the trap for Pelosi and her cronies to stop the challenge of electors.

After a two-year investigation we do not know the names of one person inside the room where Ashli Babbitt was shot. Who were the three police officers who left the glass windows unattended in front some obvious Antifa thugs? Why did Pelosi tell the National Guard to stand down during an event that nearly a million people attended in a high-tension event?

What is going to be revealed is everything that day as with the past two elections was choregraphed by the Democrats, FBI, and Pelosi to overthrow Trump. This is not a conspiracy theory, it is simple facts being revealed by Elon Musk and others who have gotten ahold of the documents proving this was a coup being run around the country and world using the greatest powers the world has ever assembled against its own people as well as the most sophisticated indoctrination structure reaching people through their own computers, phones, and TVs to brainwash them into believing they would die if they did not comply completely.

This was and is a coup completely. The one man who terrifies them more than any other man on the planet is President Trump. They know he is an untouchable who they cannot blackmail and has stood up to everything they threw at him he had the ability to fight. His big mistakes were trusting people like Fauxi, Barr, and Pence who are the swampiest of swamp creatures and were big pieces of the coup. He needs to be reelected and bring in outsiders who have no connection with DC to raze these buildings and salt the land underneath them.

A hundred years ago these people would be asked two questions, cigarette? Blindfold? Today they are given quarter million a year jobs with no chances of losing their jobs. The one thing they did not anticipate was a truth-seeker would buy one of their main communication and indoctrination tools to let America know about the coup and how widespread and systematic it is.

Lady Liberty is stripped bare and her torch is non-existent. Her Bible has been replaced with the cult of Secular Humanism where coups can be allowed if they are justified by getting rid of Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Nazis. Who cannot agree with that, unless you believe in Freedom which is no longer valued in America’s National Socialist Party.

Happy New Year Patriots

Note: The above opinion is not necessarily my own, but FReeper Bray’s. If you wish to discuss this, please ping Bray.

5 posted on 01/01/2023 4:34:56 AM PST by Alas Babylon! (Gov't declaring misinformation is tyranny: “Who determines what false information is?” )
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To: bray
Brilliantly written great summary of what happened!!


Today my thinking is to rid the country of what creates all the havoc in politics:

Voter Fraud.

We need to get rid of it in the worst way. One example of how it can be done away with was illustrated right here on FR by numberonepal. He did an exhaustive display of how voter fraud was executed by those in power in Milwaukee,Wis. It's a masterful job. Too long to put it all up on here but I will link it since everyone needs to see it and pass it along to those in power so we can now hold them accountable since they have first hand info on cheating.

If there are any Wisconsin residents here on FR they should pass all this along to Rep. Ron Johnson who has an excellent rep and might take a look at strong evidence of fraud in his state.

Seems a whistleblower has come out and told us all about it. He was even there when it went down making his comments first hand. On the scene testimony is hard to come by but we finally have them.

It's here in the current Q thread:;Page=901

Post 931 by numberonepal is the key. Here's just a few paragraphs of a long and virtually foolproof expose of cheating in Milwaukee right in govt. offices by govt. personnel.!!


December 27,2022 City of Milwaukee's election clerk, Claire Woodall-Vogg, printed ballots in her back conference room of city hall. She and her team did so for 3 weeks leading up to the Nov 3rd election. Omar Sheikh, a private citizen from Chicago, was present in the room. Claire Woodall-Vogg, Omar Sheikh, Kimberly Zapata took the ballots they printed in the back conference room to the 4th and 6th floors of Milwaukee City Hall.

Teams of CTCL and others filled out the documents so the counts matched. Omar Sheikh Claire Woodall-Vogg, Kimberly Zapata, Jonathan Zuniga, Michael Lawerence, Neal Albrecht, private citizen Omar Sheikh colluded to print ballots, plucking names\addresses from the WisVote list of registrants - voting for people without their knowledge. Right in Milwaukee City Hall!

] Woodall-Vogg didn't "misplace" the USB stick ~3:30am Nov.4th. She removed Trump votes from it & added Biden votes. She made up a story to the 2 police officers, who drove her back for the USB - Zapata handed her a different USB. Squad car 554 Officers shook up, they went to FBI.

The Officers stated Woodall-Vogg put on an act of being distressed - it was just that:

an act.

On the USB Zapata gave Vogg where counts of ballots fed through tabulators twice. Vogg looked for low turnout Wards. She fed those ballots through twice.


eye witness.

The election fraud that took place in the city of Milwaukee, and county, directly involved Sols To The Pols, MICAH, The Elections Group, CTCL, Brennan Center and 13 other "partners". These groups, together with Claire Woodall-Vogg and her team, stole the WIS election in 2020.

Favorite trick of Claire Woodall-Vogg, Milwaukee elections clerk, is change the wording of processes, documents, definitions. Classic liberal trick:

change the terminology. Or change the words themselves.

All to create confusion. Claire made up her own rules.

Next: Robin Vos Robin Vos knows ALL I tweeted so far, and more. He has the inside MKE City Hall documents. Massive e lection fraud & Vos has been sitting on it. A person who can confirm this fact:


Vos knew of these election frauds for a long time- and he has hidden it from the public. One person was alone in a room with Robin Vos. The person asked Vos to look into the e election fraud. Vos replied, "I don't f***ing care".

Robin Vos joined with the MKE city elections commission board (they have their own, in addition to WEC) and voted to accept the definition of "Application" same as the absentee envelope. The envelope is not an application.

Claire with Vos cheated by changing the meaning. RACC fee charged by Robin Vos to State Republican Reps.

much much more this post is awesome!!

6 posted on 01/01/2023 5:38:31 AM PST by rodguy911 (HOME OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE!! ITS ALL A CONSPIRACY: UNTIL ITS NOT)
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To: Alas Babylon!; bray
Happy New year, all. Bray, the operative word in your excellent essay is coup. We still have not held the perpetrators accountable. The Durham investigation is part of the cover-up along with Mueller, two phony impeachments, and a stolen Presidential election.

VDH authored this article, What Will the FBI Not Do?--Who watches the watchers?

The FBI did not merely engage in “correspondence” with Twitter to protect the company and its “customers.” Instead, it effectively hired Twitter to suppress the free expression of some of its users, as well as news stories deemed unhelpful to the Biden campaign and administration—to the degree that the bureau’s requests sometimes even exceeded those of Twitter’s own left-wing censors.

The FBI did not wish to help Twitter “to protect themselves [sic],” given the bureau’s Twitter liaisons were often surprised at the FBI’s bold requests to suppress the expression of those who had not violated Twitter’s own admittedly biased “terms of service” and “community standards.”

The FBI and its helpers on the Left now reboot the same boilerplate about “conspiracy theorists” and “misinformation” smears used against anyone who rejected the FBI-fed Russian collusion hoax and the bureau’s peddling of the “Russian disinformation” lie to suppress accurate pre-election news about the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop. 

The FBI is now, tragically, in freefall. The public is at the point, first, of asking what improper or illegal behavior will the bureau not pursue, and what, if anything, must be done to reform or save a once great but now discredited agency.

Consider the last four directors, the public faces of the FBI for the last 22 years. Ex-director Robert Mueller testified before Congress that he simply would not or could not talk about the fraudulent Steele dossier. He claimed that it was not the catalyst for his special counsel investigation of Donald Trump’s alleged ties with the Russians when, of course, it was. 

Mueller also testified that he was “not familiar” with Fusion GPS, although Glenn Simpson’s opposition research firm subsidized the dossier through various cutouts that led back to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. And the skullduggery in the FBI-subsidized dossier helped force the appointment of Mueller himself.

While under congressional oath, Mueller’s successor James Comey on some 245 occasions claimed that he “could not remember,” “could not recall,” or “did not know” when asked simple questions fundamental to his own involvement with the Russian collusion hoax. 

Comey, remember, memorialized a confidential conversation with President Trump on an FBI device and then used a third party to leak it to the New York Times. In his own words, the purpose was to force a special counsel appointment. The gambit worked, and his friend and predecessor Robert Mueller got the job. Twenty months and $40 million later, Mueller’s investigation tore the country apart but could find no evidence that Trump, as Steele alleged, colluded with the Russians to throw the 2016 election.  

What are the people to do about a federal law enforcement agency whose directors either repeatedly lie under oath, or mislead, or do not cooperate with congressional overseers? What should we do with a bureau that alters court documents, deceives the court with information the FBI had good reason to know was false and leaks records of confidential presidential conversations to the media to prompt the appointment of a special prosecutor? What should be done with a government agency that pays social media corporations to warp the dissemination of the news and suppress free expression and communications? Or an agency that hires a foreign national to gather dirt on a presidential candidate and plots to ensure that there is “no way” a presidential candidate “gets elected” and destroys subpoenaed evidence? 

What, if anything, should the people do about a once-respected law enforcement agency that repeatedly smears its critics, most recently as “conspiracy theorists”?

The current FBI leadership under Christopher Wray, in the tradition of recent FBI directors, has stonewalled congressional overseers about FBI activity during the Trump and Biden administrations. In “Après moi, le déluge” fashion, the bureau acts as if it assumes the next Republican administration in office will remove the current hierarchy. And thus, it assumes for now, not cooperating with Republican investigations while Democrats hold control of the Senate and White House for a brief while longer ensures exemption. 

The three reforms most commonly suggested include: 1) simply dissolve the FBI in the belief that its concentration of power in Washington has become uncontrollable and is increasingly put to partisan service, including but not limited to the warping of U.S. presidential elections; 2) move the FBI headquarters out of the Washington D.C. nexus, preferably in the age of Zoom to a more convenient and central location in the United States, perhaps an urban site such as Salt Lake City, Denver, Kansas City, or Oklahoma City; or 3) break-up and decentralize the FBI and redistribute its various divisions to different departments to ensure that the power of its $11 billion budget and 35,000 employees are no longer aggregated and put in service of particular political agendas. 

The next two years are dangerous times for the FBI—and the country. The House will soon likely begin investigations of the agency’s improper behavior. Yet, simultaneously, the Biden Justice Department will escalate its use of the bureau as a partisan investigative service for political purposes.

The FBI’s former embattled, high-ranking administrators who have been fired or forced to leave the agency—Andrew McCabe, James Comey, Peter Strzok, James Baker, Lisa Page, and others—will continue to appear on the cable news stations and social media to inveigh against critics of the FBI, despite being all deeply involved in the Russia-collusion hoax. 

Merrick Garland will continue to order the FBI to hound perceived enemies through surveillance and performance art arrests. And the people will only grow more convinced the bureau has become Stasi-like and cannot be reformed but must be broken up—even as in extremis a defiant and unapologetic FBI will, as its latest communique shows, attack its critics.  

14 posted on 01/01/2023 7:07:04 AM PST by kabar
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To: bray

You no longer have a Right to your body by the people claim a woman’s Right to choose.


Happy New Year

Great article to inform and start off hopefully more revelations to expose the swamp

The pasted quote summarizes the irony of todays world and why we are in the mess we are experiencing in many aspects of life.

Do as I say has replaced the Freedom many died for to make this great country

19 posted on 01/01/2023 7:14:27 AM PST by patriotspride (Third generation Vet. Never forget the true cost of freedom)
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