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To: Openurmind

If more did this they would change their tune.

I think a lot of people are doing it through quitting their jobs, quiet quitting, early retirement, etc.

i.e. voting with their feet.

I think it’s a lot worse than “they” are letting on. I think 2023 is going to be a watermark year. We should prepare accordingly.

BTW, regarding my relying on SS: As I used to say to my friends in high school in 1972, when they wondered what would happen if the government stopped honoring savings bonds - if they stop honoring them, we will be in a different world and that will be the least of your problems. Same with those of us already on SS.

One of the great things about SS is that the payment amount and rules have nothing to do with where you live in the country. This means that the massive increases my wife and I have personally seen the last couple of years offset increases in the cost of living that simply did not materialize for us. Our monthly costs are pretty much untouched, while our payments increased by close to a thousand a month.

Sometimes the government is too smart by half. We try to exploit that.

33 posted on 12/30/2022 7:50:26 AM PST by cuban leaf (My prediction: Harris is Spiro Agnew. We'll soon see who becomes Gerald Ford, and our next prez.)
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To: cuban leaf

The main thing is just say no to the brainless “You just can’t live without one” consumerism. Sure you can... Change your lifestyle to mechanical can opener instead of electric can opener mentality. Embrace analog and get some exercise for your health. Most would be surprised what they really can live without fine if they were not so lazy.

42 posted on 12/30/2022 9:00:20 AM PST by Openurmind (The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world it leaves to its children. ~ D. Bonhoeffer)
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