> “Fixed.”
No, not fixed, more like fuxed. You know you’re full of yourself.
Trump leads DeSantis by 2 to 1 as of last Friday. And it will get worse for your DeSantis doll when we drag out the skeletons in his attic.
From December 16, 2022:
“The Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll released Friday found that 48% of GOP voters said they would support Trump if the primary were held today, while 25% said they would vote for DeSantis.”
So MAGA will attack DeSantis. Got it, just like the left. What will you do if he has no major skeletons? Was he best buds with Epstien, payed off hookers and beauty pageant ladies, spend Christmas Eve with Soros, support the WeF et al. Trump isn’t my issue, as he has been consistently Trump, but the absolute hypocrisy surrounding him. The faithful have done more damage to Trump than the left. Go ahead, attack all other candidates, do the lefts job. It will likely help.
Who's "we"? You're going to do the libs' work for them?
Speaks volumes about the nuttiness of some Trump devotees.