I’m not ignoring all the “irregularities” that routinely occur with our elections. And its funny how they always play out to benefit Democrats.
But its undeniable that Democrats buy votes with all their give away programs and largesse. That is simply a fact and it helps them get people out to vote.
In the contest between giving people free stuff versus asking people to assume more personal responsibility the allure of free stuff is always going to win.
Countless millions of young people don’t care about freedom and prosperity, they just want their free stuff and a government they believe will take care of them. That has become a pervasive mindset.
Yes there are a lot leftist brain washed people out there in this day and age. But that does not explain many of the results. But the biggest clue is why alter and redesign our election system to make it easy to cheat in every way if you you don’t intend to cheat. Early voting, Mail in ballots, and electronic voting machines equal the perfect recipe for cheating. And those are just some of the ways they have made it easy to cheat. That should be you clue right there. Even before you start wondering things like how Fetterman could actually win.
There is also the past. Before they were able to use computers to hide the fraud. We constantly saw evidence of the cheating in many forms. Such as districts with more than 100% voter turnout. Do you think that cheating just went away. Or would it make more sense that they have learned from it. And they now have the electronic systems that can perform the fraud without making it easily detectable. They have also made it pretty unlikely that anyone will ever get the chance to perform a full forensic audit on the ballots and registrations.