Joe has always been an idiot. Even if it is Ron Klain pulling the strings, Joe will still eff it up just by being nearby.
The retarded pot heads want all the potty criminals back out on the streets with them.
D.C. is a hell hole of criminal corruption which affect all of us, yet these are the same people who for decades have been putting people in cages for pot.
Ya can’t make this s**t up.
For once I agree, it’s either all or none. No half ass stuff. Legalize pot, pardon everyone in jail over it, clean their records, and stop the nonsense. It’s all or nothing. The laws regarding marijuana only benefit the courts, DEA, Police, Lawyers and the Alcohol industry. Legalizing pot will have a negative effect on the DEA which will now have to lay off employees, local and federal police, jails will need less guards, prisons will have vacancies, and Jim Beam will see a drop in sales.
Dummies. The fine print at the bottom always says qualifications for friends and family plan vary. Consult your local dealer for details.
So the dealers stay (until released by a Dem governor for Covid or overcrowding or problems with the lab that did the original dna evidence in court).
Yes, folks, possession with intent to distribute is a little more serious, duh.
IIRC marijuana possession charges are normally just an add-on to more serious charges.
WHO the hell GOES TO FEDERAL PRISON for simply possessing marijuana? Anyone?
When you’ve lost the potheads you’ve lost America.
If pot smokers can do anything they can see thru a smoke screen better than a thermal imager.