The overall plan of diversity is to change the demographics of a region..not to diversify.
Same way they destroy traditional institutions.
And they do it via the federal government...which loves social engineering.
The DOJ has created maps city by city, neighborhood by neighborhood to monitor the racial make up. First way to easily destroy a safe suburb is through Section 8 housing. Bring in the reasonable working poor at first but then here come the complete gheto-clearing crowd. Crime rate goes up. “Safe areas” become sketchy. A few rapes and murders. Bust the block. Then move to the next area.
As you said, nothing to do with diversity. It’s essentially a land grab. The nice schools and areas the tax base created are now under liberal control to loot and pillage.
Many of these mayors have a dozen do-nothing stooges on the payroll - usually siblings or kids of their money backers who bought them into office.
Defund the Police was all about destroying the urban area to create more control.
These cities are then ground zero for election fraud. Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Washington, Oregon, Georgia = major states where 50% of the vote for Dems are in super-controlled Dem areas where they can stuff the ballot box.
I don’t see them being dislodged for power absent a limited nuclear exchange. take out ten Dem-controlled major cities and Republicans will win nationally for the next 100 years.
Short of that, what’s the solution for liberalism? It just keeps getting worse each year.