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To: All; bray

“The Sunday Morning Bray”, by Bray!

1 John 2:1 (King James Version)

My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:

As the market crumbles nobody explains the basic cause of this inflation driven recession which is the complete mismanagement of the energy resources with the ridiculous increase in spending. The Communist Party is building the perfect storm which will destroy the American economy, yet they continue to pour gas on the inferno with Global Warming regs which make no transportation or economic sense. The only people it helps are 15-year-old girls at Starbucks and Elon Musk.

The Electric Car is the biggest scam the world has ever seen. Who really needs a car you cannot go more than three hundred miles off the showroom floor while the distance shortens like your phone over time giving you less and less distance until you have to throw away the car in ten years. What do you do with millions of tons of batteries with all the hazardous compounds they are made with? The same people who are outraged with a paper or plastic bag or straw have no problem dumping tens of millions of tons into landfills of deadly compounds that will remain for centuries.

The truth is these are not environmentalists but Communists who will say whatever they need to, to promote their Marxist totalitarian utopia. They have brainwashed the entire world into believing they can change the weather when the same people using the same tactics were not able to stop a glorified cold for the past three years. Just like Climate Change the virus was used as a bludgeon to gain power and control over the American economy.

The shutting down of oil, coal and nuclear has been the dream of Democrat Communist Party for the past 50 years. The earth worshipers have replaced God with God’s creation and all of the gods which go along with that worship. This allows their followers which are mostly women to feel good about themselves through Social Morality rather than personal morality. This allows a woman to sleep with any number of men, have numerous abortions while drinking and swearing like a sailor while she drives her EV to Starbucks and she is a Socially moral person because she is trying to save the eart.
Nothing else matters to the Virtue Grandstanding girls.
There are only about 25 percent of the people believe in the fact a trace gas in the atmosphere can trap heat all over the world. There is no actual proof of the world heating or even an accurate method of measuring the eart let alone what is the optimal temperature of the planet. According to tree rings the warmest times on the earth were also the most productive. The Renaissance Period was the most productive farmlands in the Middle Ages which allowed some of the greatest artists of history to create their Masterpieces yet the world is willing to commit economic suicide over a theory which has no proof.

The gummit moratorium of oil drilling and exploration very well may cause famine in America and Western civilization. One of the primary ingredients of fertilizer is the byproduct of oil refining. With less and less oil and refining thanks to the Biden administration closing down refineries there are already shortages of fertilizer. This is going to cause shortages of food which will cause higher food prices with lowering take home pay leading to hunger and starvation in America and other countries.

This is all done purposefully by the same people who forced seventy percent of Americans to take the deadly vaccine. These people want as many Americans dead as they can possibly cause. There is no other explanation when the Barak administration continues to double down on the shutting down of oil and coal while people are hurting worse than any other time in their lives. To make people weak from malnourishment after weakening their immune systems with the vax can only be explained as wanting to purge the country of as many times as they can.

This could all be over in a matter of months is the Barak regime wanted to but they do not. They want to defeat America since they see it as the biggest threat to their worldwide Communist Utopia. If they can get rid of the last Democracy then the road is open for China and Russia to rule the globe with a One World Communist economy.

The death of America has been their goal since the 70’s and they believe it is at hand if they can break the working class. For every worker in America, ayou need to vote this Fall as if your life depends on it because it does. Lady Liberty is about to get her flickering torch extinguished.

Pray America Sobers Up

Note: The above opinion is not necessarily my own, but FReeper Bray’s. If you wish to discuss this, please ping Bray.

5 posted on 09/25/2022 4:39:22 AM PDT by Alas Babylon! (Rush, we're missing your take on all of this!)
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To: All
• Morning AB, All. As always, thank you AB for doing this thread so reliably and keeping the peace with gentle thread policing. Thank you Bray for weekly written wisdom, Thank you RG for your fabulous pictures. Thank all yon contributors for excellent commentary to flesh it all out.

 Daily Miscellany
Thoughts and flashes of brilliance that enter my head from nowhere.

Enjoy.  Or abhor, depending on the effect of my "wisdom".


The 60 minutes interview of President Biden

Oh my goodness, didn't President Biden give his first interview for quite a while.  The interview was on Sunday, Sept. 18, on "60 Minutes" by Scott Pelley?

Pelley got a lot  of criticism for conducting such a loving interview.  I kind of disagree with that Pelley did get Biden to declare the pandemic over with.  Pelley did not, however, do like most good journalists do and follow up with the president's assertion that he did not know any of Hunter's  business contacts.   There have been emails, radio interviews and much written by ACTUAL business partners of Hunter.  They all said they also met with the president so how could Biden, truthfully, declare he didn't know any of them?

Still,  Pelley did the interview and he pursued topics America wanted to know about.   Pelley got Biden to declare the inflation will begin to lessen, the cops should be funded, not DE-funded and other topics that will create sight bytes for his many lies yet to come.

Because nobody lies more than President Joe Biden.

And now we got it all on tape. 
Queen Elizabeth's Spellbinding funeral

Queen Elizabeth II was buried at a mighty funeral that had to cost in the millions.

The Brits declare that their monarchy brings them way more money than the cost of the monarchy.

I  suppose this might be true.

We now have the new King, Charles III.

My prediction he will not garner the friendly attention that his mother did.

Political cartoon of the Week

Editorial-Voting already suspect in Delaware

Please see some of the letter, as I took a quick  picture that yon reader knows it exists.

It's a letter from the Delaware Department of Elections.

I can't believe this.

First, the letter asserts that  my current polling location is some place called the "Slaughter Neck Education  Community Center."

THIS IS NOT WHERE I CURRENTLY VOTE!  I vote in a  former little two room church and have voted at this locale since I moved to Delaware in 2003.  That's almost 20 years voting in  this church located in Harbeson.  I have  no idea where this Slaughter Neck Education  Community Center is.

Further I don't know where this new place they want to send me is, which would be the Memorial Volunteer Fire Company Station #2.

I had my daughter look up this fire company and she said it was many miles away from my house.

I asked her to call the number listed on the letter and she did.

"Oh," said the lady on the phone, "that was a mistake.  Those letters were sent out by mistake."  This was said right after my daughter told her that where they were sending me to vote was very far away, and further the original polling place as they listed is wrong.

Just who made this big mistake?   The State of Delaware's Department of Elections sent this out?  Will somebody lose their job like we would in the private sector?  The letter is signed by a Tracey L. Wilkerson listed as Sussex County Deputy Director.

Further, the letter tells me to throw my old voting card and a new one will be coming to me.

I suggest, softly, maybe this wasn't a mistake.  Maybe it was an attempt to confuse voters, have them go vote at the wrong place, have them throw away their current voting cards.

I don't know but to me this is of serious concern.  The government almost stopped me from voting.

Which might have been their plan.
Notes About "The Bachelor " ending....that show is about to die...may it rest  in peace

Just as a somewhat silly aside, I have watched the "Bachelor" shows for their entire existence, not that I'm proud of that.   I am a fan of reality shows, not that the Bachelor shows have any reality about them.

At any rate, this year's series, where they had TWO bachelorettes, was awful.  First off all, the host, forget his name, another former bachelor, kept telling us how sad, heartbreaking, tragic, numbing, painful, hurtful this year's series of "The Bachelorette" ends.

The two bachelorettes were also FORMER bachelorettes...well I'll stop there.

Gabby and is now on "Dancing With the Stars" .....and they have been guests on
every talk show this week. 

Turns out one of them had a boyfriend who kissed another woman and one had a boyfriend that texted another woman.

Horrors.  I shall not watch anymore.

Martha's Vineyard

Rumor was that the migrants sent by Governor DeSantis to Martha's Vineyard would be followed up by a shipment of similar migrants to Georgetown, De. (which is where I live) to be bussed upon arrival at the local airport to Rehoboth Beach,  home of President Biden and about 15 miles down the road from me.

Well damn, Delaware has load of immigrants, many of them illegal to work the chicken factories.  My little community alone has a couple of immigrant families within.

Still, Mighty "Martha's Vineyard" sent the immigrants to a nearby army base.

The worst of all was Alan Dershowitz, who stood out on his huge MV lawn and screamed that the gentle folk of MV would heartily welcome the immigrants.

Dershowitz, what an imposter.


6 posted on 09/25/2022 4:42:00 AM PDT by Fishtalk (
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To: bray
Excellent stuff as usual. I liked this paragraph in particular.

The truth is these are not environmentalists but Communists who will say whatever they need to, to promote their Marxist totalitarian utopia. They have brainwashed the entire world into believing they can change the weather when the same people using the same tactics were not able to stop a glorified cold for the past three years. Just like Climate Change the virus was used as a bludgeon to gain power and control over the American economy.

It truly is the beginning of a communist takeover with the criminal dems doing the bidding of the cabal.

One of the key things the dems have counted on for decades now is their ability to create massive voter fraud. They know that it's impossible for them to win in many areas of the country without massive cheating.

Recently much of the cheat has been outed. Last week on X22 even more of it was outed by a couple who has made a movie about it:

its here:

The major fraud going on is not with our President it's with the deep state and the democrats and it's all about voter fraud.

Has it been going on since 2004? Likely, it has ever since Hugo Chavez tasked Dominion to create machines that could be easily hacked so he could keep winning elections even though Venezuelan voters hated him back then.

It's the same thing here. Those same machines,originally used by condominium associations to allocate costs for condo buildings—repairs renovations etc. to various condos at various rates are now used to sway elections.

The more expensive condos paid for example 20% of the costs while the ground level,cheaper condos paid 10%. The Dominion machines were easily programmable to allocate various percentages to various condos.

Now they allocate various percentages of votes to various candidates. In Germany they allocated 1.1% to Brandon and .9% for every vote to Trump.Guess what Trump was still ahead!So the machines had to be re-programmed with a new algorhytm which they got in Rome,Italy at the US embassy accd. to Maria Zack.

Zack,Mike Lindell,the warroom,President Trump, and many others have all contributed to exposing the electronic fraud that changes elections with the push of a button. Famous Dave of X22 who has video after video exposing the criminality of the left,the deep state, the criminal dems interviewed a couple who have done some cutting edge research into electronic voting.

This couple Matt and Joy Thayer sat down for an interview with Dave a few days ago.Here's a summary of what they had to say.

Today's Guest: Matt & Joy Thayer


Matt and Joy Thayer are film-makers they started Speropictures in their basement. The conversation begins with Matt and Joy talking about Selection Code. This documentary is based on the 2020 election in Mesa Colorado where Tina Peters realized that something was wrong with the elections and they came after her to keep her quiet. The conservation talks about how the election are not transparent and secure, the machines make the election programmable.

Begin my summary:


X22 spotlight

It's all about selection code a new documentary.

Dave has seen the video. It breaks down what is going on with elections. Matt says lots of people helped produce the video.It starts in Mesa, Col, with Tina Peters, and her experiences with an FBI raid.

Her story is the perfect inroad with a local official trying to figure out what was going on in Mesa, Col. elections. She,Tina Peters, discovered the Rosetta Stone unlocking lots of other doors accd. to Matt.of other places that may have the same problem.

Peters thought her election was a gold standard election but later on with the local election she found something was wrong,she felt it in her gut.

She,Peters, thought she had run a tight ship but found out there was massive fraud on a scale she never knew about. She claimed she ran a tight election but never saw the fraud. She had point spreads called into her 30 minutes before the election was over. That alerted her that the machines were doing stuff she did not know about. They turned red to purple to blue.

Happens in Texas and other states as well accd. to Tina. Many people don't have a clue the cheating is going on it's so sophisticated. Matt has a theory that Orson Wells told about Adolph Hitler,wells told people after spending time with Hitler that he was unremarkable,mediocre. Matt says mediocre people are placed in the middle like Genna Griswold who may or may not know what is going on.

So its possible that many involved in the cheat don't know what is actually going on. They just want to hang on to their jobs.

Matt claims back-ups to machine results are prevented so there is no evidence. Numerous companies besides Dominion,files are deleted and no one is allowed to be around when the cheat is going on.

This was when Tina began questioning the election when files were deleted so there was no evidence of the cheat.

Even technicians and coders may not know everything that is going on. It's possible that just a few key people know about the scam. Matt says that one person can sway 1/3 of the vote with the right circumstances.

The machines Create plausible deniability for most everyone. Vendors are running the elections which is a huge part of the problem. Vendors are hired like in Georgia and are paid to do so.

This alone the hiring of vendors creates more and more plausible deniability.Vendors do all the dirty work so everyone else can claim they have no jeopardy. Machines show that they have been rigged.

Other data bases are created and votes are run over and over Accd. to Dave from X22 during the conversation. Dave suggests its happening over the entire country.

A quick research of the vendors shows a monopoly exists and that the vendors actually own voter rolls!! QR codes can be redirected. All kinds of things that can happen with the machines.A mosaic of fraud accd. to Matt is possible.

It's a sting behind everything similar to 2000 mules which are just one aspect of voter fraud. It's ballot stuffing, little new. Its not just about the mules.

Dirty voter rolls play a big part in things. Once a ballot is separated from its envelope it can go anywhere and can be manipulated. One vote can turn into 3,5or 10 votes. 51/49 results are common and are planned. Audits need to be done in every county in every state accd. to Matt.

Votes are shaved off all the time. Statistically, the numbers don't work in many counties.They do not perform the way they were presented. Machines need to be gone since they are too easily tweaked and voter fraud becomes easy. Once the ballot is separated from an envelope they can play fast and loose with the ballot.

The elephant in the room is the machine. It needs to be gone. They are not the best tool for the job. Counting on paper the old fashioned way is the best,foolproof done in small precincts not large created voting centers where anything can happen. Moving tabulation centers to big time tabulation centers destroy security of the elections and provide huge avenues for voter fraud.

Machines are questionable since the design is to go to bio-metrics voting with your phone. It's not the hack-ability its the algorhytms that cause the problem.Aslong as the machines do the counting we are in jeopardy since they can and are hacked.

So the gist of it is it only takes a few people maybe even just one to feed an algorhytm into a machine or voting system to change the entire election. Also its possible so only a handful of people even have a clue what is going on.

Dave continues his interview with Matt and John Thayer. DAve saying both sides are telling people there are problems with the voting system,Dave says we have to go back to paper ballots.

Dems call paper ballots voter suppression,which is BS. Absentee ballots should be rare in only a few cases. Dirty dems claim paper ballots will supress the vote, they have it all figured out,criminals.

Matt all voting should be done at local precints with smaller numbers of voting. dems constantly want to change the venue of how people vote so voter fraud can be continued,once its over so are they.Dems can't win without voter fraud and they know it.

Maybe voting should be a nationals holiday so everyone votes on the same day. Surveillance systems should be employed and every movement of a ballot should be tracked.

Twenty three states use a system called eric founded by the Pew Charitable Trust which is backed by Soros. They pay 25k annually plus a fee to get all info. Personal info is sold by eric,they also use AI to do the dirty work.

Colorado has automatic voter registration which is easily manipulated. By the time you turn 18 you are automatically registered to vote in Colorado. Zuckerbucks help in fraud, its all based on keeping fraud alive.

Matt says its an industrial complex an apparatus that is hidden behind the various companies,info is reported to various corps. and by the time it's reported no telling how manly times the vote has been manipulated. Nothing is official anymore it changes hands so much.

The changing of hands of all the voting information is the key the dirty dems/cabal don't want that intel out that your information is transferred to so many places before its considered a legal vote.

“Its the machine behind the machine” great quote from Matt. “People have bought into the goodness of govt. for so long they think everything is straight when its not”. Officials are not kept in check.Once they,the elected officials, manipulate the vote there is little they can't do.

Dave=time to clean it all out.

The thinking is that Trump knows all this. He well may and Matt claims “it's a longer play with trump he is in the process of showing everyone what is going on. This is what Dave says all the time on everyone of his shows that” “Trump is showing people what is actually going on so they understand." FBI CIA,officials at all levels need to be suspect by average citizen.

Matt and Joy now telling us to hold off from violence its what the left wants if they can't blame everything on us they lose and they know it.We know who does the looting and the rioting its all on their side. for matt and joy upcoming events. trutha@speropicutres with thanks to Mike Lindell

11 posted on 09/25/2022 5:40:10 AM PDT by rodguy911 (HOME OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE!! ITS ALL A CONSPIRACY: UNTIL ITS NOT)
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To: Alas Babylon!
This is one of the most terrifying maps in the world right now.--Michael Shellenberger

55 posted on 09/25/2022 7:15:02 AM PDT by kabar
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