CA just getting better and better ....when will they wake up in the blue districts
By the year 2035......that’ll surely keep people out of California!
You’re kidding, right. It pay$ federal dollars to be a blue state. They are subsidized heavily with red state tax dollars. Why would they stop the gravy train?
For Pete’s sake, wall in socal so they have to stay 20 years after their last vote.
CA demographics and block voting is what drives the voting and consequently elects nutty Dems-back when Reagan was elected governor the state was 77% white , now it is so bad low they try to mask it by throwing in all Hispanics but the latest census shows that “white alone not Hispanic” is just 35% so what you get are the same politics you would get in Dem controlled cities-this is why Dems like the open border-they turned CA and now AZ, NM, NV and Co -they want to do the same to other states
You may have missed your chance to sell and leave the land of the LIBTARDS.