Eric Holder is a time traveler in the most credible sense. No conspiracy, just truth. An evil man if ever. He’s been on hand or in the vicinity, a decision-maker, and an enabler since the Oklahoma City Bombing. He’s been involved in everything from Waco to Ruby Ridge to Elian Gonzales to Marc Rich to George Zimmerman to Ferguson to “Hands up Don’t Shoot” to Black Lives Matter to Fast and Furious to Judge John Roll 🥀 to INTERPOL to contempt of Congress to influencing voter rules changes in the 2020 election thru state supreme courts. He was put in charge of distribution of the ludicrous billion dollar Pigford II funds unchecked by Congress or We the People. Our Representatives choked on race. He’s headed the well-funded National Democratic Redistricting Committee since leaving the Obama Administration. He’s a very busy body.
He says there will never be another Republican POTUS. He says he might even run. He says there will never be a need for a Democrat to campaign again…as evidenced by Biden/Harris.
What say, people?
Eric “the Red” and jOkeass should be doing this from the slammer.