The old saying goes “Can’t get blood from a turnip but they can sure stomp the hell out of the Greens” that is what the IRS is going to do...I have been pondering it might be a wiser move just to stop filing..File and then they have you as when you sign you are swearing an oath...this is the oath “I solemnly swear (or affirm) that the foregoing return, to the best of my knowledge and belief, contains a true and complete statement of
all gains, profits, and income received by or accrued to me during the year for which the return is made, and that I am entitled to all the deductions
and exemptions entered or claimed therein, under the Federal Income-tax Law.”
“that is what the IRS is going to do...I have been pondering it might be a wiser move just to stop filing..”
The Mark
“He causeth both rich and poor to receive a Mark....”