You cannot strip away a half century old “right” without consequences. My guess is that the Republican wave is barely going to be a trickle.
“My guess is that the Republican wave is barely going to be a trickle.”
It might not be a bad thing to let these pro abortion zealots “blow off steam.”
They’re voting on emotion and it’ll eventually subside as economic pain becomes an issue.
The democrats with their environmental positions(Especially in regards to the energy sector) will cause economic havoc.
I’m not worried long term but short term these female fanatics will cause us some political damage.
I 100 percent agree. We will be lucky to get the house. Some here will continue their delusions. But Kansas numbers are huge!!! The turn out is double for basically one question. Why didn’t the damn Supreme Court wait until February????? Ugh!
“You cannot strip away a half century old “right” without consequences. My guess is that the Republican wave is barely going to be a trickle.”
The Supreme Court threw the Democrats a lifeline. Most of the swing districts are pro-choice.