“””What’s the matter with Pennsylvania?”””
I don’t believe there is any problem with Pennsylvania.
The PA voters are the battleground in the Battle of the Titans.
On one side you have the Trump MAGA.
On the other side you have the RINO/GLOBALIST Republicans.
In case no one has noticed there is a war between the Trumpians and the RINO/GLOBALISTs.
Didn’t “Trump MAGA” himself endorse Oz? How is this a war that has “Trump MAGA” at war with a “RINO/GLOBALIST” candidate endorsed by “Trump MAGA?”
Ms Zito …read what Presbyterian Reporter has said and then you need to get back out in PA again. We are sick to death of Rove and his gang telling us who to nominate and OZ isn’t even from PA! Come one! You should have seen this coming a mile away.