To: JoSixChip
How about that new bitch, did she have access? Jumanji Brown isn't seated until Breyer retires
To: montag813
Jumanji Brown isn't seated until Breyer retires
Yep, I forgotten that.
14 posted on
05/02/2022 8:30:54 PM PDT by
(2020: The year of unreported truths; 2021: My main take away from this year? Trust no one.)
To: montag813
Tell me why she got a hearing and approval, given there was no vacancy as Breyers seat isnt open.
24 posted on
05/02/2022 8:39:14 PM PDT by
Secret Agent Man
(Gone Galt; not averse to Going Bronson.)
To: montag813
Yes, but I bet they are giving her courtesy access. Wouldn't be surprised if it was her, but maybe Sotomayor the “wise Latina.” is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson