I have yet to see this simple number for electric cars:
miles per kilowatt hour.
Answering my own question, there’s the mpge, miles per gallon electric equivalent. They take one gallon of gasoline as 33.7 kilowatt hours. Typical numbers seem to be 120 to 140 mpge.
Around here, a winter kwh is about eight cents. Summer, about 12.
So gasoline gallons are currently around the same price as electric equivalent gallons if they aren’t lying.
But before recent gas prices, gasoline was cheaper per watt hour, but gas cars don’t give 120-140 mpg.
So as long as you can charge a car on 8-12 cent electricity, your fuel cost is lower for an electric.
Higher usage will even it all out. It will be too bad if electric cars drive up electric rates in general.
I’m never going to be interested for several reasons. In fact I’m starting to want a car that can burn waste cooking oil among other things.