As to the infection fatality rate, one finds debate beginning in 2020. "This is one of the most important issues in trying to understand how deadly COVID-19 is and how we should respond to it, and yet opinion is sharply divided about it, with some researchers putting it at between 0.1% and 0.2% (John Ioannidis), while others – such as the epidemiologists working for the WHO – putting it at 3.4%."
Additional source:
Neither can be "correct" on a global scale, in the same way that one cannot tell the temperature of the world.
"Confirmed by clinical testing" is also problematic, given that the RT-PCR test run at different numbers of cycles yields different results, as was shown in the first 12 months of the "event." And now one learns that much testing cannot make a distinction between flus and the SARS-CoV2. Ergo, "clinical testing" itself becomes an approximation.
So one point is that both IFR and CFR are estimations, even though one claims to be collecting all the "confirmed" cases.
My point is that ONLY the mortality rate tells the EFFECT of deaths on a population when both the deaths of that population AND the population are numerator and denominator. And yes, in this event ALSO inexact.
Even so, and given that ALL the data is inexact, the mortality rate is calculated form the "official" sources as about 0.0740 % worldwide.
None of this involves my estimating anything at all. Taking at face value what the various "official" source purport to be accurate, the "pandemic" isn't what the media hysteria and government fists have been telling us it is.
Case in point: Canada, now under "emergency powers" martial law, has a far lower mortality rate than the US, though far higher than China.
Canada after 26 months of the "pandemic"
19 February 2022
( 35,955 Canadians officially dead / 37,742,154 Canadians still living after COVID ) x 100 = 0.095 % mortality rate.
Less than one-tenth of one percent over the course of the "pandemic." So CFR and IFR, however one defines them, really can no longer inform as to HOW the "pandemic" is affecting nations and the world.
A virus with a mortality rate of 0.0740 % worldwide should not have caused the societal and economic disruptions the many have endured nor the massive profits the few have reaped.
Best regards.
Nonsense. It's true that a test designed to detect SARS CoV-2 won't detect the flu virus but it will very, very reliably detect Covid.
Likewise, a test designed to detect flu won't detect SARS. There are now tests designed to identify both in one run.
My point is that ONLY the mortality rate tells the EFFECT of deaths on a population...
Even if true, so what? Covid has had massive effects on global society far beyond death. We've lost probably millions of man-years of productivity from the illness, put huge strains on our healthcare systems, spent probably trillions of dollars worldwide in public health measures and have millions of people with long term injuries from the disease.
So CFR and IFR, however one defines them, really can no longer inform as to HOW the "pandemic" is affecting nations and the world.
They're one element along with many others, some of which I mentioned above.