Hydro is solar. The sun evaporates the water that makes the rain that makes the rivers flow. Nuclear is not solar. oil/gas is not solar because in spite of people calling them fossil fuels, there is considerable evidence that they were captured from the nebula from which the earth and the rest of the solar system was formed. Coal is fossil.
I have done well over a thousand geochemical analysis of oils from 6 continent’s basins over 20+ years as a petroleum geologist I have never once seen a single sample that did not carry biological markers from micro algae,diatoms,or foraminifera on three very rare occasions I saw coaly resinitic signatures that was a very rare case in the Pinghu Formation in East China. The isotopes of O16/O18 also confirm biological origin of every oil I have ever sampled. Abiotic oil is a myth no working professional geologist has gotten anyone else in the field to do a peer reviewed confirmation of it. If you have a peer reviewed study with geochem and isotopic analysis id love to see it.