ROTFL. If you shut down the power plants, where in the hell are the remaining 320 million AMERICANs and 35 million illegal aliens going to get their electricity? Hmmmmm?
Think green, they are going to shiver in the dark, except I suspect the illegal aliens will be 1st to get power.
Please don't ask hard questions. After all, this is renewable power, which means that every time the wind starts blowing it renews making electricity. /s
You cannot kill millions of birds without consequences. China did this a few decades ago and their crops were overrun with insects and caused mass starvation. Idiots.
How will these windmills power all those electric cars the knuckleheads will force on people? Can these great structures power all these homes and cars?
How much environmental damage to wildlife and forests?
Stupid rusty old structures that will remain on all that land as a giant monument to the RAT Party idiocy.
They can’t get their ignorant Marxist crap going so they decide to destroy the land for an outdated folly.
I have a suggestion. Have FERC issue a rule that any new generation project must be able to produce at a level equal to 85% of the total nameplate rating of the project for a minimum of 168 hours (7 days) and be dispatchable on 15 minutes notice. So if someone wants to build a 5000 MW wind project then it has to be able to produce at least 4,250 MW constantly for a week. You can do it however you want, batteries or thermal generation but failure to do so when required will incur SERIOUS financial penalties.