What was your reply? Did you end the relationship? I would and I am going to ask my physician that exact question in a couple of months when I go in for my semi-annual cancer surveillance appointment.
I kinda like my doctor, he’s a deacon in his church, vaxxed and he caught rona post vax, but he better answer correctly. Right now, I still have the ability to choose my medical providers and I’m my best advocate.
“What was your reply? Did you end the relationship?”
My reply was “uh huh” as I wrote a note on the paper I had; I think she pretty much knew how to translate it. I’m in the process of searching for a new doc, but I understand that even here in eastern red TN most doctors won’t prescribe.
I figure if they won’t prescribe Ivermectin and similar, they truly don’t have my best interests at heart. So how can I trust anything they do or say? I don’t.