I sure hope I don’t live that long, I am almost 80 and 5 month now , so I sure would not want to know.
“I sure hope I don’t live that long, I am almost 80 and 5 month now , so I sure would not want to know.”
81 here. I think it is popcorn time for us.
Has anyone ever done a poll on the average age of Freepers? I’m 69 years and 6 months so I don’t expect I’ll make it to 2040 with or without government intervention.
I don’t have any offspring so no matter what, it won’t affect me. The only relatives I have remaining are my brother and his family, but as much as they claim to be conservative, traditional Americans, they believe in the clot shots, no, the government isn’t trying to get rid of people no longer considered to be productive and everything that’s happening is all a series of unrelated coincidences.
There is no plot for the “elites” to take over the world and
reduce the earth’s population to only those they deem desirable or essential. Anyone that believes there is is a conspiracy theory nutcase.
With that in mind, I often wonder why I should even care?
Anyway, from what I’ve seen here over the years, when people here do mention their age, I’d say it’s a safe bet that Free Republic ain’t getting any younger.