Don’t you just love that. Can’t get healing drugs for Covid without workarounds but can get abortion pills. At least we know who FDA and our federal government worships. DEATH DEATH DEATH.
Indeed. Death Worship is the established church of the ascendant faction of the ruling class.
Don’t you just love that. Can’t get healing drugs for Covid without workarounds but can get abortion pills.
If you're having trouble getting hold of ivermectin I recommend putting rouge on your nose and the center of your face and using moisturizer to make yourself break out. Then go to your doctor and get him/her to diagnose you with rosacea, one of the conditions ivermectin is approved to treat in humans. Best of luck!
“Can’t get healing drugs for Covid”
FWIW a couple of weeks ago I got some “horse paste” on Amazon. No trouble at all.