Maybe they can correctly propagandize the next generation, but they lost mine when they told us in the 1970s to expect another Ice Age.
Claiming that the same increase in man-made gases are now going to cause over-heating just isn’t going to fly no matter how loud they shout it.
First it was THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT in which the sun rays changed their wavelength when it pass ed through the atmosphere. With a different wavelength the heat could not escape at night. The blame was on POLLUTION!
Then in the 1970s it was THE COMING ICE AGE caused by a loss of sunlight coming in due to POLLUTION!
In the 1990s it was GLOBAL WARMING caused by CO2 POLLUTION
Both Obama and Biden have beach houses that sit 3 feet above sea level at high tide. If they are not worried, why should we be worried.
From POPULAR SCIENCE, Feb 1980..
PS/What’s News ....
page 73
Changing the weather intentionally or otherwise weather modification..(Earth cooling vs Greenhouse effect)
“Do you suppose we can learn enough, soon enough, to pull off a balancing act with the CO2 blanket saving us from another ice age?”