So you know for a fact that the vaccine caused his cancer?
You really are morons
If death with Covid is a Covid death,
then death with vaxx is a vaxx death…
Rarely in medicine can we ascribe exact causes to adverse health events. But sometimes the evidence is persuasive. We do know, from blood tests, that the mRNA shot degrades elements of the immune system. Some of these elements (specifically T4 cells) help keep cancer in check. If this cell population is reduced, then it isn't a great leap to say this was a contributing factor to cancer cells flourishing.
I have many links, but since you called us "morons," I leave you to do your own research. Educate yourself before childish name-calling.
Some must’ve missed the fact that in the article a pathologist (Dr. Cole) has noted a 20X greater incidence of cancers in those who’ve had the jab. But what could possibly go wrong when mRNA is injected into our bodies? /sarc
I’m afraid these experimental jabs will be the gift that keeps on giving.
Sooner or later people will have to start paying attention to VAERS, even though it underreports by a factor of 10x to 100x. Every other jab in history? Stopped cold after 50 deaths. This one? Thousands if not tens of thousands of deaths and no end in sight. I think it’s resulted in far more adverse events in the past few months than all other vaccines combined for the past 70 years. It’s either idiotic or criminal that this wasn’t brought to a screeching halt months ago. There are no other choices.
Did my comment touch you the wrong way, Karen?
I do know data from trials including cancer patients is lacking...
What could go wrong.