Ounces of liquid measure, for example, halve nicely:
128 oz. = 1 Gallon
64 oz. = 1 half Gallon
32 oz. =1 Quart
16 oz. = 1 Pint
8 oz. = 1 Cup (or half Pint)
4 oz. = 1 half Cup
2 oz. = 1 quarter Cup
1 oz. = 1 Ounce
.5 oz. = 1 Tablespoon
The Founding Fathers of the United States were wise to be the first to adopt the base 10 system with our money but wisely avoided it with other measurements.
16 oz = 1 pint which also is approximately 1 pound by weight (actually ~ 1.04 pounds, but close enough for most engneering work).
How many cups in a gallon? What does a teaspoon weigh?