This “Angel of Light” is not as unknown to Christians as you might think. God made many of them, but the most powerful of them was so enlightened that he wanted to be a god himself. And he still is. The stereotypical picture of Lucifer as a malevolent being is only true once you know who he really is. Until then, his message seems like pure goodness to us flawed people who only know the ways of the world. But God said “”For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts”. This is how Lucifer was able to fool the whole world, and why he is the current god of it.
You are wrong a lot of Christians don’t know who that is. 3 out of 4 Christians that I have asked have no clue who that is much less associate it with Lucifer.
Lucifer was not the only fallen Angel as there were many of them. They came to Earth and mated with humans to create the Nephilim. Nephilim (found in Genesis 6:1-6, Numbers 13:33 and more notably the Book of Enoch) are the offspring of an Angel and human, typically a woman as not all fallen Angels were male. Nephilim, or someties called The Watchers, can be the reason for the Flood.
However, the Church wants us not to remember the fallen angels and their proclivities here on this planet. They would d rather we forget it thus the deception of the Church is to promulgate a false narrative about the flood. The recent Noah movie took this premise and was castigated for it. Not saying the movie is completely true nor is it entirely fiction when it comes to the Watchers or Nephilim.
The way the Church wants you to believe is that Lucifer was the only fallen Angel. I know because I was taught this in Sunday school a long time ago. In a sense it could be argued that the Angels are the offspring of the Gods so they would or could be considered as demigods. While Lucifer is still an Angel, or demigod if you prefer, he is not a full fledged god and can never become one.
Lucifer was given this Kingdom and Jesus was given the Kingdom of Heaven. But if Jesus was given the Kingdom of Heaven and Lucipher this Kingdom who gave it to themm?