When Kenyan usurper was allowed to occupy White House, Levin used to scream at “birthers”.
He was not smart enough to realize the consequence of allowing unvetted, ineligible person as POTUS.
The self-anointed “great-one”, 😂. Cannot stand to listen to his whining voice.
Most of the national radio talk show hosts rejected the birther issue completely and if you don’t understand why they did then you’re an idiot. But there you are trashing. It didn’t matter anyway. Trump came along and made Obama produce 2 birth certificates. Mark did say to Hannity he liked what Trump did on the issue. Rush Limbaugh said Obama was the original birther because the problem started when Obama tried to make himself look sexier by telling a publisher he was foreign born when he wasn’t. Then people started believing maybe he was. So end of the day it wasn’t the birther issue that was going to do anything. Levin asked for his transcripts. Media didn’t have an interest in any of this.
Also, not the self anointed great one, that’s Hannity who says that, you big dope!