I never purchase from a PayPal only business. Never have never will.
I never use pay pal. If a company cannot use my credit card I don’t do business with them
Recently, I had a local business try to charge me a couple hundred with pay pal. I called the guy to tell home he’d have to come up with a better plan I’m not using PayPal and should not have to
He said try it again I’ll charge you from cc. I did that and wham O what PayPal moved in right away.
Within hours my (very reputable) bank wants to know if the multi thousand charge is mine
I called the local business guy. “Huh, really? Duh. Pay pal charged you? Doh. I don’t know anything...”
Ok he does not want my business. A few hundred each month for a few months.
Something way wrong there.
Maybe all coincidental.
But I don’t use PayPal.