I stand corrected.As do I, bagster -- turns out it's nattering nabobs of negativism. LOL : )
On a related but totally irrelevant note, my fraternity brothers and I were in a NYC midtown bar, and the only other people in there, sitting together at a table, were NYS Governor Hugh Carey and former VP Spiro Agnew. Through the bartender we offered to buy them a drink. They declined, but Agnew came over to our table to thank us in person, and instead ended up buying us a round! God bless America : )
On another related but mostly irrelevant note, the phrase is known to have first been uttered by VP Spiro Agnew, but was actually coined by White House speechwriter William Safire. I remember about a year or so ago watching some news anchor on CBSN incorrectly attributing it to Peggy Noonan, who has apparently has borrowed the phrase and used it from time to time. Just another small example of a talking head not knowing what he’s talking about