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To: one guy in new jersey
He was flat out born in a municipal hospital in the nearby port city in Panama.

He was born at Coco solo naval base. I've seen the doctor's signature on an admission page for his mother. Somewhere back in all the stuff i've written is links to that information.

There is a fake McCain birth certificate floating around, and it has been tracked back to the origin certificate it was photoshopped from. McCain did show his actual birth certificate to a reporter, and the reporter stated he had seen it, but McCain never released it to the public.

And I don't like John McCain and wish I had never voted for that greasy back stabber, but the issue with him was never where he was born.

81 posted on 07/19/2021 5:23:24 PM PDT by DiogenesLamp ("of parents owing allegiance to no other sovereignty.")
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To: DiogenesLamp

“He was born at Coco solo naval base. I’ve seen the doctor’s signature on an admission page for his mother.”


The birth may have been formally acknowledged there as a matter of course, but the evidence does necessarily not shoW that the birth took place there.

Besides, I also said this: Regardless, he would have failed the Born on U.S. Soil requirement of the NBC test whether he were born on a U.S. military base, born in the PCZ, or otherwise. We weren’t at war in the region (invading army exception) and his father wasn’t a U.S. Ambassador (diplomatic exception).

NBC is derived from the Law of Nations and the Natural Law. The founders would not have claimed McCain as a Natural Born U.S. citizen. A child of a U.S. Ambassador to Panama? Yes. A child of an invading and hostile and occupying U.S. force subjugating Panama? Yes. But a child of an Admiral performing a routine role in peacetime under an agreement between U.S. and Panama? No. It turns out his case did not even fall under U.S. naturalization laws at the time so he technically didn’t even merit recognition as “citizen” for a while after his birth. A specific retroactive naturaluzation law had to be passed to clean up the problem.

93 posted on 07/20/2021 12:55:20 AM PDT by one guy in new jersey
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To: DiogenesLamp; one guy in new jersey
He was born at Coco solo naval base. I've seen the doctor's signature on an admission page for his mother. Somewhere back in all the stuff i've written is links to that information.

There is a fake McCain birth certificate floating around, and it has been tracked back to the origin certificate it was photoshopped from. McCain did show his actual birth certificate to a reporter, and the reporter stated he had seen it, but McCain never released it to the public.

Coco Solo

Naval Air Station. -- The Coco Solo air station occupies 185 acres of hard land, on the east side of Manzanillo Bay. Existing facilities in 1939 included a small landing-field, three plane hangars, one blimp hangar, barracks, officer's quarters, three seaplane ramps, and a few miscellaneous buildings.

When the development of the station was begun on August 1, 1940, the approved plan contemplated expansion sufficient to serve seven patrol squadrons of seaplanes. The original site, though limited, was considered to be the most advantageous that could be found in the Canal Zone; consequently, maximum expansion was advocated rather than construction of an additional base in another locality.

. . .


To care for the large increases in personnel which accompanied the expansion of the naval establishment, a new 200-bed naval hospital was built on a 40-acre tract of high land, on the north side of the new Trans-Isthmian Highway, about 3 miles from the Coco Solo air station. This facility consisted of a four-story structure, with additional buildings for quarters, laundry, garage, and sewage plant, all of reinforced concrete. It was commissioned in September 1942, and later enlarged by the addition of two temporary wards of frame construction, to provide 500 beds.


Executive Order 8981 - Navy Hospital Area, Coco Solo, Canal Zone, December 17, 1941, signed by President Franklin D Roosevelt said, "The following-described area of land in the Canal Zone is hereby reserved and set apart as, and assigned to the uses and purposes of, a naval reservation, which shall be known as Navy Hospital Area, Coco Solo, and which shall be under the control and jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Navy...."

Whether McCain was born in the non-existent hospital on the base, or the existing hospital just outside the gate, McCain was born on foreign soil. Birth on a military base overseas confers absolutely nothing. Pursuant to a treaty, within the canal zone, the United States exercised jurisdiction "as if" it were the sovereign. Panama remained the sovereign, and McCain was born within the sovereign territory of Panama, and outside the sovereign territory of the United States.

The WAPO fact checker, Michael Dobbs, maintained that McCain was born in the Coco Solo "family hospital." The Navy has, and has had, commands with the title U.S. Naval Hospital. It has never had anything called a "family hospital." The Navy registry of naval hospitals shows that no naval hospital existed at Coco Solo until 1942.

The McCain campaign never released any copy of a birth certificate to the public. The fact checker claimed a campaign official showed a copy of a birth certificate to a reporter (he later claimed he was the reporter in question), and the birth certificate purportedly showed birth at the Coco Solo "family hospital."

See Article of May 2, 2008. It appears the two articles have been edited since original publication.

It was originally claimed that the birth certificate was signed by U.S. Navy CAPT William L. Irvine, a doctor who was director of the medical facility at the submarine base. Of course, in 1936, no Navy doctor held the rank of Captain. The ranks of staff corps officers were not changed to be the same as line officers until the 1950s. There was a William Lorne Irvine at the submarine base, and he was a doctor with the rank of Medical Director. That was his rank, not a title. An earlier junior rank was Assistant Surgeon. Those were ranks, like the line ranks of Lieutenant, Commander, or Captain. There was no hospital at the submarine base.

The registers for the Panama Canal Zone Health Department were transferred to the National Archives in College Park, MD. John McCain does not appear in the August 1936 part of the register, as demonstrated by the records and the WAPO fact checker.

Because of a congressional snafu, the McCain claim to citizenship is a legal mess. Shortly prior to his 1936 birth, Congress passed legislation to the effect that all persons born to American citizens in Panama "out of the limits and jurisdiction of the United States," were born citizens of the United States. For their intended result, Congress needed "outside the territory or jurisdiction" of the United States.

The 14th Amendment clearly covered all persons born within the territory and jurisdiction of the United States. The congressional intent was to cover all those born in Panama and therefore not covered by the 14th Amendment, but that is not what their chosen language did. The Canal Zone was was within the jurisdiction but without (outside) the territory of the United States. McCain was not born outside the territory and jurisdiction of the United States. For a few years, including McCain's birth year, this affected all American births in the Canal Zone. Shortly thereafter, further legislation corrected the error and all affected persons were declared thereby to be citizens.


Relating to the citizenship of certain classes of persons born in the Canal Zone or the Republic of Panama.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That any person born in the Canal Zone on or after February 26, 1904, and whether before or after the effective date of this Act, whose father or mother or both at the time of the birth of such person was or is a citizen of the United States, is declared to be a citizen of the United States.

Sec. 2. Any person born in the Republic of Panama on or after February 26, 1904, and whether before or after the effective date of this Act, whose father or mother or both at the time of the birth of such person was or is a citizen of the United States employed by the Government of the United States or by the Panama Railroad Com­pany, is declared to be a citizen of the United States,

Approved, August 4, 1937.

At issue would be whether McCain, if born in the Canal Zone in 1936, was born without U.S. citizenship, and if this Act of 1937 could have retroactively made him a citizen at birth, i.e. a natural born citizen.

In his autobiography, Faith of My Fathers, McCain had told a fanciful tale of his birth in the hospital at the U.S. Naval Air Station, Coco Solo. To this day, you will find at Wikipedia that "John Sidney McCain III was born on August 29, 1936, at Coco Solo Naval Air Station in the Panama Canal Zone, to naval officer John S. McCain Jr. and Roberta (Wright) McCain."

There was no Naval Hospital at the Naval Air Station in 1936. There was never a Naval Hospital at the Sub Base. There was never a Naval "family hospital" anywhere.

At Wikipedia, topic Coco Solo, is found,

United States Senator John McCain was born in 1936 at a small Navy hospital,[2][3] at Coco Solo Naval Air Station.[4][5]

The larger Coco Solo Hospital was constructed in the summer of 1941.[3]

That is enchanting, but footnotes 2 and 3 go to the WAPO fact checker article, and book by Paul Alexander at page 12 which makes no mention of a hospital, large or small.

The U.S. Navy Registry of Hospitals lists all Naval Hospitals in the history of the Navy. There was no U.S. Naval Hospital at Coco Solo in 1936. There may have been a naval station medical clinic holding sick call. The hospital at Colon, about 100 yards outside the gate of Coco Solo, was established by the Isthmian Canal Commission (ICC) after the canal was completed. See An American Legacy in Panama, A Brief History of the Department Of Defense Installations and Properties, The Former Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama; A publication of the U.S. Army South, at page 67.

Id. at page 72:

Coco Solo Hospital

During World War II. several previously established Panama Canal area military reservations, including the Coco Solo Submarine Base, were improved and expanded. A 200-bed hospital was commissioned in September, 1942, and the Coco Solo Naval Hospital was constructed on a 41-acre tract in the southwestern corner of what was later called Coco Solo Navy Station, just off the Boyd-Roosevelt Highway.

See also Republic of Panama and the Canal Zone, 1939 Guide Book, pp. 199-203; Coco Solo Naval Air Station and Submarine Base.


The Coco Solo Naval Reservation was officially established by Executive Order in 1920. The air station occupied 185 acres of hard land, on the east side of Manzanillo Bay. Its facilities in 1939 included a small landing-field, 3 aeroplane hangars and a hangar for a blimp, barracks, officer's quarters, 3 seaplane ramps, and a few miscellaneous buildings.

Further development of the station began in August 1940, with the approved plan contemplating expansion sufficient to serve 7 patrol squadrons of flying-boats (as proposed by the Hepburn Board recommendations). The original site, though limited, was considered to be the most advantageous that could be found in the Canal Zone; and therefore expansion at Coco Solo was advocated rather than construction of an additional base in another locality.

The greatest single deficiency of the station was the lack of sheltered water for full-load take-off immediately adjacent to the base. There was a wide gap of open water between the eastern breakwater and Margarita Point, through which heavy ocean swells entered Manzanillo Bay, frequently making seaplane operations hazardous — and this was tackled first. In addition, the station also lacked sufficient hangars, ramps, parking aprons, housing, storage, and repair facilities.

At the air station itself, the work from 1940 saw 3 large steel hangars, 4 seaplane ramps, 700,000 square feet of concrete parking area, engine test stands, and a large aircraft assembly and repair shop added to the operating area fronting on Manzanillo Bay. To make expansion possible, 30 acres of beach was reclaimed, with a steel sheet-pile sea wall, 2,100-feet long, to enclose 2 edges of this reclaimed area. Other work included new barracks, a bombproof command centre, an operations building, and a large administration building to house the administrative offices of both the air station and the adjoining submarine base. Also added were several large warehouses.

- - - - - - - - - -


Originally established in 1917, and later modernised, the submarine base at Coco Solo occupied a 130-acre peninsula bounded on the north by Margarita Bay and on the west and south by Manzanillo Bay, and additional facilities were accomplished under the wartime construction programme begun during Autumn 1940 with the developments being confined entirely within the limits of the existing boundaries.

A wide mole pier enclosed with steel sheet-piling was built as an extension to the original north quay wall, to provide additional berthing space and increase the basin area. It was paved with concrete, equipped with water, oil, and air lines, a railway spur, a large transit shed, several storehouses and shop buildings. The south quay of the base was likewise extended a distance of 500 feet and equipped with water, oil, and electric services. A net depot, including a large storage building, was built along this quay, and the basin dredged to a depth of 32 feet.

There was an industrial area, where extensions were made to the torpedo shop, ship fitters' shop, and battery shops. A large storehouse and a 3-story structure to house the machine and optical shops were erected.

In addition, a low-lying, 20-acre area fronting on Margarita Bay was enclosed with a steel sheet-pile seawall, with coral fill dredged from the bay. This was later developed as the main housing area for the station, and a chapel and library, theatre, tennis courts, and a recreation building for enlisted men and officers were also located in the area.

The place did not get built up until WW2 started in Europe. Prior to that, there was insufficient military population to support building and manning a Naval hospital.

If McCain were born 100 yards outside the gate at the hospital, then he was born outside the territory and jurisdiction of the United States and enjoyed a claim to birthright citizenship pursuant to Federal law (not the 14th Amendment) at the time of his birth. The only problem would be that the autobiography contained a bit of story telling.

The screwed up law in effect at the time of John McCain's birth began,

48 Statutes at Large, page 797. [Under the provisions of 1 U.S.C. 112, the printed edition of the Statutes at Large is legal evidence of the laws, concurrent resolutions, proclamations by the President, and proposed and ratified amendments to the Constitution.]

73d CONGRESS, SESS. II., CH. 344, MAY 24, 1934.



To amend the Law relative to citizenship and naturalization, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 1993 of the Revised Statutes is amended to read as follows:

“SEC. 1993. Any child hereafter born out of the limits and jurisdiction of the United States, whose father or mother or both at the time of the birth of such child is a citizen of the United States, is declared to be a citizen of the United States; but the rights of citizenship shall not descend to any such child unless the citizen father or citizen mother, as the case may be, has resided in the United States previous to the birth of such child.


That was so screwed up that persons born outside the territory, but within the jurisdiction, of the United States were not covered by the 14th Amendment or the Federal law. They fell into the legal limbo of no man's land.

This was clearly not the intent of the law makers, but the law is what the words enacted say, not what the law makers meant to say.

116 posted on 07/23/2021 3:10:53 AM PDT by woodpusher
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