1930’s Germany had the “Jewish Problem”.
2021 the U.S. has the “Unvaccinated Problem”.
1930’s Germany had the “Final Solution”.
2021 the U.S. Commies have the “Final Solution”.
Longer term:
2025 the U.S. has the “Vaccinated Problem”
The 2/3rds of the population that has been genetically modified will likely be having issues with their immune system that are completely unpredictable. What the hell is wrong with virtue signaling idiots who have had the vaccine and now insist that everyone else takes it. If you feel you are now safe then great... leave the rest of us alone. You don't need to worry about going to restaurants or on cruises with unvaccinated people. What ridiculousness.
A high percentage of the population were exposed during the last 18 months and are already better protected than the drones that have succumbed to peer pressure. That is the primary reason that the “pandemic” is over. These things run their course. The lies with fake statistics have been unprecedented and quoted here daily.
It is more than simply “unvaccinated”
The weather underground figured they’d need to kill at least 25 million people who could not be politically re-educated/indocrtinated.
It’s much larger than just “vax jabs”. See also election 2020 talk, man made global warming, the glory of communism/socialism, crt, etc.
If you disagree on policy or reporting you are a “denier” and can be made a non-person in socialist networking media.
And, the same mindset is driving this holocaust to be. Might as well be based on skin color — oh, mebbe it is.