Seriously, Short Temper; Outbursts of Profanity???? THAT’S a marker for dementia and senility.
He’s become an old codger and I really don’t know how they control him.
He’s a pretty poor excuse for a president as well.
A Get Up In The Morning Pill. A Keep Me On A Buzz Pill, several of them at intervals thru the day. A Chill Out Pill right about his early dinner time. Finally a Bedtime Pill to knock him out at 8:00.
It's Science, don't you know.
Any one who has been fawned upon as a congress critter for over 40 years as has China Joe thinks he deserves it. They anger when they are not the center of focus. Cut off their booze or meds and they really go berserk.
Absolutely right.
My gentle dad never had these, but others in the nursing home had them - and often.
Conversely on the thread about cursing quoted studies show that it is a sign of high intelligence. Slo Joe must be an outlier.