They have also been very nice people in my experience.
Only nice at racism, castism, cheating and stealing American jobs. They almost single-handledly wiped out the American white-collar middle class
IT/finance/accounting/medical/insurance and all taken over by these locusts. Americans need not apply.
Real estate (cheap hotels and cheap apartment complexes), truck stops as well.
No one is stopping anyone from investing in hotels and apartments, nor have I noted any racism or cheating among Indian Americans. The only cheating I see is in Corp America. I don’t know why you think they’ve taken over finance/accounting because it simply isn’t true - it’s absolutely dominated by whites and what Asians are in those jobs tend to be Chinese, Japanese and Korean. I am a senior finance exec that even travels around the US and elsewhere - finance is overwhelmingly white. You do realize white college degreed unemployment rate is like 3%, right?