Good luck to you.
I could not live in that environment.
I was program manager on OASIS, a mine sweeping project. I was contract labor as the program was a career killer and nobody wanted it. It had been amazingly badly handled by the company and the Navy. I blame the company for that as the Navy demanded going into production with no changes from the proof of concept model, which was not only incredibly hard to produce, but expensive to repair. Nobody in management had the balls to put their foot down and make the Navy allow changes. It would have been better if the company had redesigned it at their own cost. But, they refused. So, after 54 million dollars, they lost it.
The company was putting burden and overhead on contractors. I discovered this about a week into the job. I gathered all the evidence plus copies of government guidance documents which took a couple of weeks. Then I went to the head accountant and explained how this was illegal. He assured me they had an approved accounting system and it was okay. I explained that approved or not, they were adding 401k matching payments, retirement payments and medical payments to the government billing, running our rates up to $500 per hour and eventually, the government would find the error. I got no place. I went to see the VP in charge. I started to explain and he held up his hand to stop me. He said, “Stop! Don’t say another word. Don’t send me an email. I have to maintain plausible deniability.” I smiled, nodded, and thanked him for his time.
I really needed the money and the money was good. It was Obama’s presidency and there was no other work for a man my age. I knew the government would shut them down, and they did. The Navy forced ITT to sell the entire division to Harris. About 500 good jobs lost. I was already gone by then, as between knowing too much and having been overheard having a conversation about guns with a machinist at lunch, I was going to be gone as soon as possible.
ITT and the brass at our plant were absolutely in on the fraud. All the top brass retired very well. Everybody else was hurt.