To: FreedBird
Ben Shapiro doesn’t do a bad job on the radio.NO WAY - Ben, being a devout Jew, follows in the Jewish tradition - You can talk anyone into anything.
Not very conservative, sometimes interesting
219 posted on
02/21/2021 10:11:05 AM PST by
( )
To: DanZ; Alas Babylon!
Ben is a butt. T’would rather see Jesse Waters.
Or maybe a woman. Laura Ingraham? Delilah from the radio or Trish Regan (I’d listen to those silky satin voices through ten miles of static.
229 posted on
02/21/2021 10:25:56 AM PST by
shalom aleichem
(Durham is a Poosy! Hunter walks free with his Billions in Yuan)
To: DanZ
Ben, being a devout Jew, follows in the Jewish tradition So, is he a Real Jew (10 Commandments)?
Or a faggot-loving, baby-killing JINO?
(a NY RAT "jew")
253 posted on
02/21/2021 10:50:28 AM PST by
(Trump won the "popular vote". Biden won the digital vote.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson